Chapter 14

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

"Hey Jaydge what's up?" I asked concerned as I heard her sniffling over the phone, I knew she had been crying 

"Can you come over?" she said in a low tone 

"Of course! I'll be right over" I said in reassurance as I hung up the phone and picked up the car keys to leave 

I drove as fast as I could to JJ's. I knew something must be wrong to make her cry! She never broke like this. 

I knocked on the door and within seconds JJ was there. I could see the tears brimming her eyes. As I closed the door behind me she fell into my arms in a heap as she uncontrollably sobbed into my shoulder. 

"JJ, hey, shhh" I soothed her as I held her tightly, leading her into the living room to sit down 

"JJ what's up? What happened?" I asked softly  

"Its..Will..he..he" JJ sobbed unable to finish her sentence 

"JJ what is it?" I whispered holding her tighter 

"He..he.. cheated on me Spence, he fucking brought the girl over for dinner! Right under my nose! So I told him it was over." She sobbed trying to wipe away her tears 

"Hey come here" I said as I caressed her face trying to console her. I tilted her chin upwards to look at me. 

"You did the right thing JJ, he wasn't good for you! All he ever did was tear you down!" I said in a serious tone 

She stared at me for a while, I was starting to wonder if she had taken offense to what I had said but I saw a look in her eyes, a look she had never given me before. 

"Oh Spence" she whispered 

She leaned slowly up and placed her lips on mine and for a split second I finally felt like everything was right, like everything had finally fallen into place, but I knew this was wrong, it was something I had waited for my whole life, but my love will always be with someone else. I placed my hands on her shoulders and slowly pulled myself away just as she was about to take things further. 

"JJ I can't do this" I whispered 

I could see the rejection and hurt in her eyes but I knew it was for the best. 

"Spence, I'm sorry, I just thought" she whispered 

"It's not your fault, I'm sorry I shouldn't stay any longer, I'll call over to see you in the morning" I said as I stood up to leave 

JJ sat still in the chair as I opened the door and let myself out. I stood outside the door for a moment trying to take a deep breath. I turned to face the door and gave a small knock.  

"Are you ok Spencer?" JJ said confused as she opened the door 

"I need you JJ, just as much as you need me" I said out of breath as I leaned in and placed my lips on hers 

"Spencer" JJ started  

"No JJ, I'm tired of waiting, it's been 20 years for god sake! I need some happiness and the only person I find happiness in is you! I need you JJ" I said passionately as she fell into my arms and we kissed 

All these years, this friendship, the ups and downs, all of this was mustered into one long kiss, it was so long since I felt this kind of love and happiness 

"Just love me Spencer Reid" JJ whispered as we ran to her bedroom 

"Always" I replied deeply as we fell onto her bed

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