Chapter 27

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

Carrie began to give us a briefing on what our tasks were when we reached Islamabad. To be honest the more she told us, the more interested I was. Sure, working for the BAU was a challenge but it was beginning to become repetitive, this would be something new and exciting and I get to see the world a little bit. Plus this case was a matter of national security, which meant this is pretty important and I might finally get some proper recognition for what I do. 

"You will leave for Islamabad in exactly 10 days, which means I want you here from 7am to 10pm every day for the next 10 days for extensive training, this is not fun and games, we've finally accumulated enough inside intelligence to finally get these bastards" Carrie pointed out as she  began loading images of the 5 terrorists we needed to take out 

"These are the men you'll be tracing, Farad Ghazi, Saad Ibrahim, Mahaz Iqbal, Parvez Fayad and Dabir Jalil. These men are lethal and do not travel without heavily armed men, we have to find ways to infiltrate them one by one." Carrie finished as she closed the slideshow 

"I think you've heard enough for today, I'll see you all at 7am tomorrow" she called as she rushed out of the room 

I sat there looking at the rest of the team. These new surrounding and people were a lot to take in. I still hadn't told the team I was leaving, they didn't even know Darcy was back. This week was going to be tough on all of us! 

"Hey Reid, you wanna go for a drink?" Quinn called over as he picked up his backpack off the floor 

I checked the time, 10pm, Darcy was probably gone to bed, what's the harm in one I guess. 

"Yea, sure" I smiled as I stood up to walk out with him 

Quinn drove us both to a small bar about 10 minutes from Langley, we walked inside and took a seat near the bar 

"What do you drink?" Quinn asked 

"Uhh, I'll have whatever you're having" I replied feeling a little stupid that I don't know much about alcohol 

Peter came back a minute later with two bottles of Budweiser and placed one of the bottles in front of me 

"Thanks" I gave a small grin 

"You don't drink, do you?" Quinn looked at me with a smug smirk 

"No, not really" I confessed "I'm afraid it will affect my brain" 

"Well what's one night aye" he grinned as he raised his glass 

We began talking about the case and what it involved. Quinn began telling me of his background in the Marine Corps as a sniper, he then moved on to Special Ops cases with the Marine Corps intelligence then was offered a job at Langley, he had quite an impressive story. I told him a bit about me and how I got into the F.B.I. He was very impressed with my mental abilities, which shocked me since I didn't get that kind of appreciation very often. After another drink or two I began asking him about Carrie, seeing as they have worked together for quite some time. 

"Is she always that serious?" I questioned, hearing my words beginning to slur, I wasn't used to this much alcohol intake  

"For a while she will be, until she whops your ass into shape, she wasn't exactly happy about you coming, you were a bit of a surprise but she'll warm up to you soon enough" Quinn replied with a more serious tone 

I nodded and took another mouth full of my drink 

"She's a good woman Spencer, but she also has her downfalls, you're a nice guy and she'll see that, but you cannot let her in, you cannot get emotionally involved with her or it will break you both" Quinn said sternly 

"I-I-I never planned on..." I started but Quinn interrupted 

"I know, I know, but it's for your own safety, not hers" he mumbled in reply  

"Now enough with the serious talk! This is our last night of freedom" Quinn started with a smile 

He ordered a round of shots and after my 5th things started to go a little blank from there. I think at some stage during the night I passed out. 

Next thing I know Quinn's shaking my shoulder, and I find myself on his couch 

"Hey Spencer, come one we've got to be in Langley in half an hour" Quinn said loudly trying to wake me 

"Oh shit" I said as I stood up way too quick and fell back down just as fast 

"I'm gonna need to get you some more coffee" Quinn laughed as he walked back into his kitchen

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