Chapter 34

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

It's been 4 days since I've seen or spoken to Darcy, I've visited Jacob every morning in the hospital when I knew Darcy would be in work. He's awake now and should be discharged any day now 

"Hey Jake, how you doing buddy?" I smile as I enter the hospital room 

"Not too bad Dad" he gives a small smile while wincing to turn and face me 

Those three little letters stab me in the heart every time I hear them, Dad, he only recently started calling me that and it felt like he was a kid all over again. Each time I heard him say that over the past few days my heart would leap but always a pang of guilt would hit me knowing that he should have been able to grow up calling me that and not some other scumbag. 

I shake the thoughts from my head quickly and take a seat beside Jacob 

"I can't wait to get out of here, these doctors are killing me!" Jacob exclaims with a huff 

"Well technically between the 1800s you would have been correct if it weren't for Ignaz Semmelweis, he introduced hand washing standards after discovering that the occurrence of puerperal fever could be prevented by practicing hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. He believed that microbes causing infection were readily transferred from patients to patients, medical staff to patients and vice versa. Thus, Semmelweis suggested the use of chlorinated lime solution for hand washing to prevent the infectious disease from spreading. For this successful yet such simple and cost effective method, he is rightfully considered to be the saviour of mothers." I said matter of factly with a smile 

Jacob gave a hearty laugh and gave me an amused look 

"You know Spencer you never fail to amaze me" he smiled "and speaking of mothers, have you been talking to mom lately?" he questioned with concern 

"Uhh I don't think she wants to talk to me right now Jake, I haven't been the best husband lately and I think she could do without the hassle of me right now" I sigh 

"Bullshit Dad and you know it!" he spits back "she's your wife for god sake! You need to go and you need to show how much you love and miss her, how much you're sorry. She needs you Spencer! Now more than ever, she's been alone for so long, what she did was justifiable and you need to let that go, you need to love her like you did before she left, before Casper got in the way, actions speak louder than words and I don't think a love letter will cut it this time" Jacob pours his heart out passionately and takes me aback  

"Your right Jake, you are so god damn right! She deserves better than this and I need to own up to how shitty I've been lately, is she at home do you know?" I look at him with new found will 

"Yea she text me this morning saying she had the day off and shed be around a little earlier than usual" he smiled seeing the spark within me 

I turn to leave and just as I do, 

"Dad" Jacob calls before I can fully exit the room 

"Yea buddy?" I turn to face him 

"Some flowers wouldn't hurt either" he gives me his cheeky grin 

I laugh as I stick my thumb up and leave the room. I get to my car and drive to the nearest florist, taking Jacob's advice and buying Darcy her favourite roses, before pulling off and driving as quick as I can to Darcy's.... I mean... our house 

I walk up the driveway and give a light knock on the door, hearing her gentle footsteps coming towards the door and my heart begins to race. She opens the door and her face drops as soon as she sees me. A wave of sadness comes over me when I see her expression but I know I deserve it. 

"What do you want Spencer?" she gives a tired sigh 

"I want you Darcy Blake" I whisper gently

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