Chapter 23

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

I felt bad for what I had said to JJ a few days ago, but I think she deserved it! I still can't get over the fact she hid this from me. But I think things are going to be tense between Darcy and I. All we've done is tip toe around each other, trying not to upset each other. 

"Moring" I smiled as I entered the dining room to see Darcy cooking breakfast 

"Hey" she smiled back as she dished out some scrambled egg onto two plates 

She brought the plates to the table and motioned for me to sit down 

"Look Spence I know things have been weird between us, and that's only natural but there's a lot of things we have to sort through, and this whole tip toeing and distance between us isn't going to last very long and it will only end in both of us blowing up at each other. I know what we had was a very long time ago and a lot has changed, but with small steps and hard work we can find that again Spence, I promise" she said softly as she stood up from the table and walked towards me, she stood in front of me as I held her two hands and slowly pulled her onto my knee as I looked deep into her eyes 

"I want us to get back what we had just as much as you do Darce, I've never stopped loving you, not for one second did I ever stop thinking about you and we can work to save this, I know we can" I whispered gently as I drew my face closer to hers 

And finally our lips locked and it was everything I ever remembered it to be, her warmth, her love, her passion, it all came flooding back and for the first time since she came back everything seemed perfect. 

I could feel her smile against my lips as she began to draw back but I pulled her in once more as a small giggle escaped her lips, she was finally smiling again. 

"C'mon" she laughed "I think it's time our bed was used again" she said as she bit her lip, grabbed my hand and ran with me up the stairs 

We fell onto the bed in a fit of laughter as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in close 

"Are you sure?" I hesitated, knowing it had been a long time since we had been this close 

"I've waited too long for this" she smiled as she kissed me 


It was so good to finally have Darcy back in my arms. Her soft skin at the end of my fingertips as she lay with her head on my chest. Her slow, steady breaths, calmed my doubts and worries and for once my mind was finally at rest. I never wanted this moment to end but there was something missing, a spark, I don't know but I guess after all this time nothing ever come back perfect, I just had to be happy with having her back in my life. 

She slowly rose from the bed and redressed herself. 

"I love you" I whispered 

"I love you too" she smiled  

But there was a hint of another emotion in her face and I couldn't quite tell what it was but I knew we had lost something, and no matter how hard we try I don't know if we're ever going to get it back

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now