Chapter 46

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** Darcy's P.OV. **

"What is it Hotch?" I burst through the door into the conference room

"Darcy sit down for a minute" Hotch spoke calmly

"Hotch don't bullshit me just tell me what the hell is going on!" I started to lose my cool

It was then that I looked up at the screen on the wall and saw Spencer. Tears began to brim my eyes and I had to clench my jaw to stop the tears from falling.

"What the fuck is this?" I whispered dangerously 

"Darcy we received a link to this live feed and called you as soon as we got it. Its from a terrorist group in Islamabad, they have Spencer." Hotch hung his head

"Play it" I said gritting my teeth

Garcia entered the room to comfort me but I just couldn't do that right now

"Garcia please just play the video" I said as calmly as possible

Garcia continued the feed and i watched as two men entered the room and made their way towards Spencer. Already Spencer had been beaten to the point his left eye was swollen shut and i couldn't tell the origin of all the blood. What have they done to him?

"We want you over here Agent Blake and we want your supervisor to call off this CIA hunt because as you can see this will not end well" one of the Pakistani men began to call out

"Can they see us Garcia?" I questioned

"No ma'am it's a one way feed, they're just calling out to get your attention" she said grimly

I nodded and turned to face Hotch

"How do they know about me?" I asked angrily

"They must have done a background check on Spencer and found you" he grimaced

"Well we have to do something Hotch, can't you call Langley?" I said exasperated 

"They're already on the case and watching this as we speak" he replied

I looked back towards the screen and watched as the other man produced a knife and swiftly without warning drove it into Spencer's hand which was tied to the chair he was slumped in. I heard his roar of pain and felt a dagger of pain hit my heart. I flinched and closed my eyes but then decided to watch on.

"Time is ticking Agent, you do not have long left" the man with the knife spoke

The two men left the room and left Spencer twitching in pain

"Don't listen to them Darce, I'll be fine" Spencer managed to whisper

"Oh Spence" I whispered desperately

"Hotch what the fuck is happening? Why isn't there someone coming for him?" I growled

"Darcy there's nothing we can do, you have to leave this to the CIA" Hotch tried to calm me

"Well they're doing a fine fucking job aren't they?" I spat

"Darce" Hotch whispered as he walked towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder

The rest of the team then entered the room, Morgan, Prentiss and JJ.

"Darce" Prentiss grimaced as she hugged me tightly

I didn't say anything and just took a seat at the round table. The rest of the team then took a seat and the room fell silent as we watched  the screen. Spencer was so alone, so fragile. He was bleeding and huge bruises were beginning to form. His shirt was torn and there were burn marks on his trousers. What were they doing to my Spence? Why did I ever let him leave? I could have fought, I could have tried harder to make us work. I could have loved him so much more.

The two men re-entered the room and began the threats once more

"Dr Reid here is quite the tough one, bit of a ladies man too I heard" one of them began to taunt and the other joined in

"Oh yes, Agent Blake I don't suppose you've heard of Agent Carrie Mattheson of the CIA have you?"

I flinched with anger at the sound of her name. The rest of the team turned to face me, no one knew Spencer and I had split up let alone the fact he was having an affair.

"Darcy what's he talking about?" Morgan asked cautiously

"Mattheson is Spencer's unit chief" Hotch answered for me

"He also had an affair with her" I finished with venom in my tone

Their faces dropped and they were speechless.

"It's not important now" I reassured them calmly

I turned back to face the screen as the two men continued. One throwing another punch to Spencer's face.

"I don't think he ever really loved you, did he Agent Blake? Or maybe Agent Jareau could answer that one for you?" One of them mocked

I didn't even bother to face JJ, I haven't spoken to her since that day in the coffee shop and i wasn't about to now

"JJ?" Prentiss questioned as she looked at the both of us

"Darcy I, I didn't know they..." JJ began as the team looked at her in confusion

"Shut up Jennifer" I spat

The men suddenly left the view of the camera, obviously getting called to something, I decided to clear things up with the team

"Okay so when I left those years ago Spencer and the rest of you thought I was dead, the only two who knew I was still alive was Hotch and JJ, but a few months before I came home, JJ and Will had a rough patch, Spencer was there to comfort JJ and well you can guess the rest. I wasn't angry at Spencer when I heard, he knew no better. Then Hotch decided that JJ and Spencer shouldn't work together because of their relationship, that's when the CIA came looking for him and he found Carrie Mattheson. He paid no attention to her and then I arrived home, but things were never the same between us and so Carrie lit up his world because I couldn't anymore. So now you know and now we can move on with no surprises ok!" I explained and watched as they reacted in shock

I took a seat once more and as I did the two men re-entered the view of the camera.

One of them produced a lighter and held it to Spencer's leg as he cried out when the flame came in contact with his already blistering leg and both men began to laugh

"Fuck you" Spencer spat in pain

"What's that Spencer? Are you getting smart now just because your little wife is watching helplessly?" One of them scoffed

"Shut up" Spencer gritted his teeth

One of the men then produced a gun and pointed at Spencer's head

"Spencer" I choked as I jumped from my seat

"Since you're talking again, how about you tell us where the rest of them are hiding?" The man holding the gun questioned Spencer

"I'm not telling you" he growled "Do what you want but I will never open my mouth"

"Well then" the man replied

And in that moment it seemed like the whole world had slowed down and just like that the man pulled the trigger as the bullet ricocheted into Spencer's skull

"No Spencer" I screamed as I fell in front of the screen and tears cascaded down my cheeks

The team covered their mouths in horror

"What have you done?" I screamed but knowing they couldn't hear me

I looked up as the men left the room and I watched as Spencer's body slumped down in the chair...



It killed me to write this but we have to say goodbye to the one and only Spencer Reid. He has been one of the main points of this story since the first book and has given me many a storyline. But this is NOT the end! There is so much more in store for Darcy, the team and YOU GUYS OF COURSE! So stay with me and keep reading :) you are all amazing

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