Chapter 20

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

I stood there, almost paralyzed. The woman I thought I had lost all those years ago, the woman I had been told was shot to death was now standing in front of me more alive than ever! The woman I had to bury and grieve over for years was now standing at my doorstep. I had no idea how to react, I was speechless so I stepped forward and placed my hands gently on her cheeks. She slowly placed her hands over mine, I was too afraid to kiss her in case she vanished and this was all a cruel dream. 

"Where have you been?" I whispered 

I was so relieved and so overwhelmed to have her back but a part of me was angry, angry at the fact that I spent years mourning her and years trying to track down our son while she was hiding half way across the globe. 

"May I come in?" she spoke so gently, just how I remembered her 

"Yes of course, sorry, I'm just" I started stuttering as she entered the house 

"Overwhelmed?" she finished my sentence "Look Spencer I have a lot of explaining to do and some of it, as crazy as it might sound, you might never understand. JJ couldn't really tell me much about what was going on here at home so I'm a bit out of touch, and if you've moved I completely understand and if..." she began to explain but I cut her off 

"Wait what? JJ knew all this time?" I asked shocked and angry 

"Uhm yea" she said gently 

I could see she thought she had hit a nerve with me so I tried to brush it off for now 

"Oh well I hope she looked after you" I smiled as best I could 

I led her into the living room and we sat down to talk things out 

"I'll just start from the start" she began softly "So when Casper shot me, I was pretty much dead but miraculously the surgeons were able to revive me and stop the bleeding, the whole issue with having Casper back out on the streets was dangerous for me, I realised he had Jacob but what I could never tell you at the time was, just after I had Jacob the C.I.A needed me for one of their counterintelligence cases here at home. I couldn't tell anyone except for Hotch, so when Jacob was missing I contacted some of the C.I.A officers to help me track him. I found out he was with Casper so I wrote to Casper and he replied that Jacob was well and that he was safe, I wrote to Jacob for his birthdays and Christmas but Casper told me to stay out of it, seeing as he told Jacob I basically didn't exist. I know holding that information from you was wrong but you though I was dead and you thought Jacob wasn't coming back. I've been living in Berlin helping with some cases over there but pretty much staying off the grid" Darcy decided I had heard enough for now 

In a lot of senses I was enraged that she had kept so much from me but we couldn't argue now, not after all this time, but there was someone who deserved my anger and she was going to get the full blow. Darcy stared at me when she saw I wasn't replying. 

"Sorry Darce, this is, it's a lot to take in and I'm sure being back here is a lot for you to take in also, so I'm just going to pop out for a bit to get some groceries, I afraid I haven't been keeping up to date with shopping the way you used to" I smiled as I kissed her hesitantly on the forehead 

"Sure" she smiled but I could tell she knew exactly how I was feeling


Hey guys sorry it's not a great update but i didn't want to leave you guys hanging. i wont be able to update for a week as i am going on a trip. Thank you guys for getting me to 20 chapters and heres to hopefully another 20 more :D

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