Chapter 10

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**Hotch's P.O.V** 

"What is it Garcia?" I asked in a gravely serious tone as I watched panic flood her features 

"Someone's trying to hack the system sir and I can't find the I.P address and their software is unbreakable even for me sir, I don't know how to stop it!" Penelope blurted out in a fit of panic 

For a moment a flicker of panic also ignited within me but I knew for something this potentially dangerous I had to do my best to keep a cool head, whoever this is could get a hold of anything. 

"Alright Garcia go back to the computer room and try to find what you can, I'll gather the team and we'll be in there in 5 minutes" I said in a stern tone 

"Okay" she nodded as she flustered back to her office 

I walked down to the conference room and interrupted JJ in the middle of her briefing. 

"Excuse me Agent Jareau but we have something extremely important right now and this case will have to wait. A foreign identity has hacked into our systems and could potentially get hold of some very dangerous files, Garcia needs our help and we need to act fast." I commanded in a stern tone 

The team immediately rose from their seats and followed me to Garcia's computer lab. She was furiously beating the keys of her keyboard and cursing to herself. 

"How can we help baby girl?" Morgan said from behind me  

"Oh my chocolate god of thunder this is a sticky mess that even your momma right here cannot fix" she said flustered  

I cleared my throat to remind them that this is a very serious situation 

"Sir who ever this is they're going into the special ops files I need to get them out!" Garcia said her tone turning high pitched and frantic  

"Garcia just do what you can to decode her I.P and see how close you can pinpoint her" Reid pitched in 

After 20 minutes of Penelope furiously attacking this hacker, the room fell silent as Garcia turned to face me. 

"What is it?" JJ asked concerned 

**Kelsey's P.O.V** 

I got passed the first few security systems without a hitch, however, the deeper I dug the harder it was getting and the more their tech people were fighting back but I was still getting through it. I wasn't really bothered with file content, I just wanted to show them what I could do. 

I decided to have a snoop around their special ops task forces, to see what they were hiding from the country. I scrolled down through the files not really paying much attention, I was more so making sure my firewall kept backed up. 

As I was scrolling a familiar name popped up. Darcy Blake. 

That was Jacob's mother! I decided to take a look at the file and as I read deeper into the story I completely stopped scrolling. 

"What the hell" I whispered in utter shock as I froze 

**Hotch's P.O.V** 

"What is it Garcia tell us?!" I demanded as she sat there dumbfounded 

"They've given up" she muttered 

"What?" Prentiss asked 

"It's like as if they got bored or seen something they didn't like, they just stopped! Their whole system gave up" Garcia mumbled astounded as to what was happening 

"So whoever this was, they weren't on a mission to find something" Reid pointed out 

"No, they were out to prove a point, as if saying look at me, look what I can do, they want to be found" I finished 

"Garcia who is the user?" Derek asked 

"Oh yes sorry!" Garcia said snapping out of it "Uhhmm Kelsey Miller 329 Ranger Drive, right here in Washington!" Garcia exclaimed 

"Let's go" Morgan ordered as we fled the room 

We drove as fast as we could through the streets and got to Kelsey Miller's home. We left the cars as JJ and Prentiss covered the back of the house to make sure she doesn't try to escape. I wrapped my knuckles hard against the door. 

"Kelsey Miller, this is the F.B.I, open your door" I announced loudly 

Within seconds Kelsey appeared, her hands raised in the air, she withdrew from her house without saying a word. As I recited her rights aloud to her and brought her to the car she did not protest. She didn't even flinch when she saw the agents destroy her computer equipment 

We drove back to Quantico and brought her to the interrogation room. She remained silent as JJ began to question her. When there was a pause, she finally spoke 

"I want to talk to Dr. Spencer Reid" she said in a hushed tone


HIIIIIIII EVERYONE :D can't believe i've reached 10 chapters. I've been so busy lately there was times i wanted to forget about this story but i want to finish it for you guys because i have some twists but this story wont be as long as We Can Make This Work :) please dont forget to leave a comment and tell me what you think so far. Merry Christmas everyone

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