Chapter 44

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** Darcy's P.O.V. **

I decided to take 2 weeks off work after Spencer left, to get my head around things. To be honest I just had no motivation. Everything seemed to be just ripped from under me and the only thing keeping me afloat was Jacob. Visiting him was the only thing that got me out of bed every day.

As I rolled out of bed, and threw on the closest pair of clothing I could find, I heard a soft knock at the front door. I lazily dragged my feet down the stairs and opened the door.

"Hi mom" Jacob beamed

"Hey Jake what are you doing here?" I asked as he entered the house and followed me to the kitchen

"I think it's my turn to come visit you mom" he laughed softly as he sat down and I put the kettle on to boil

There was nothing wrong with my house, I've kept it cleaner than I ever did when Spencer was around, I have more time on my hands. And that's the problem, that's why I always visited Jacob in his apartment, because I needed to escape this, this hell.

"Plus I've got some great news" Jacob continued

"Oh do tell!" I smiled as I turned to face him as I placed his mug of tea in front of him

"Kelsey and I got engaged" his smile radiated from ear to ear and his happiness was infectious

"Oh Jacob" I let out a small scream as I ran to hug him

He stood up to meet my hug and all I could do was hold him for that tiny minute longer. My boy, engaged, it was times like this how much I regret not being there for him when he was a kid. How I wish I could've held him like this when he was smaller, when even the smallest of problems seemed to take up his entire world, when he fell and cut his knee, when he climbed a tree that was just that inch too high, that I could have just been there to pick him up through it all and hold him and be there for him the way every mother should.

But the past is in the past and there is no point in me longing for these moments anymore, now is what mattered and I will be there for every step of his future.

"I'm so proud of you son" I sobbed as I realised tears were streaming down my face

"Hey, hey, mom don't cry" Jacob said softly as he tried to stifle a laugh

"I'm just so happy for you" I laughed too as I realised how silly this was

"Kelsey and her parents want to bring us out for dinner tonight, will you come?" he asked

"Of course! What time?" I smiled excitedly

"I'll pick you up at 7 ok?" Jacob replied

"Perfect" I said as I hugged him one last time

"Great! Okay, well I gotta go do some stuff before I get ready so I'll see you later mom" Jacob said as he stood up and grabbed his keys to walk out

"Okay see you later" I smiled, still wiping my tears "Love you son" I said softly as he opened the door

He stopped just as he was about to leave

"I love you too mom" he smiled as he walked out the door


I heard the car horn outside and took one last look in the mirror, I hadn't worn this red dress since Spencer and I's honeymoon. My hair fell in soft curls and I decided to go with just a touch of make-up, I preferred the natural look. I don't know why I was so nervous to meet Kelsey's parents. I guess I was afraid of the questions they'll have, why I wasn't around, that was strictly confidential, what was I supposed to say? What has Jacob told them all these years? Do they know everything?

"Cmon Darcy snap out of it, you've been grilled and taunted by serial killers for god sake! How hard could this be?" I mumbled to myself as I walked down the stairs, picked up my purse and left the house

"Hey Jake" I smiled as I got into his car

"Mom you look amazing" Jacob remarked with a smile

"Thank you" I blushed

We arrived at a cosy little restaurant not too far from Jacob's apartment. It wasn't too fancy and it was quite, it was just perfect. We entered the restaurant and met with Kelsey and her parents.

"Mrs Reid these are my parents Patricia and Matthew Miller" Kelsey introduced us politely

"Mom, Dad, this is Jacob's mother Supervisory Special Agent Darcy Blake" Kelsey continued

"I think Kelsey's being over flattering" I joked "It's just Darcy" I smiled as I shook their hands

"It's lovely to finally meet you Darcy! Shall we get a table?" Kelsey's mother suggested

We took a seat and ordered our food. We chatted for the night as we ate. Kelsey's parents were super nice, yet they never once asked me about Jacob as a kid, I had a feeling they knew everything, but these things are better left unsaid for now.

"So what's it like working in the Bureau Darcy?" Kelsey's father Matthew asked

"It can be challenging" I said as I swallowed the last piece of my meat "every day is different, which is probably what I like the most, but every day also brings a new challenge" I smiled

"It sounds extremely interesting, and we're very lucky to have people like you protecting our country" Kelsey's mother included

"Thank you very much" I smiled as I took a sip of my water

"So, who's for dessert then?" Jacob asked

We all nodded in agreement. My phone began to ring in my pocket

"Please excuse me" I nodded as I stood up from the table and walked outside

"Agent Blake" I answered

"Darcy, its Hotch" Hotch replied in a serious tone

"Hotch, what's up?" I questioned beginning to concern

"Darcy we need you here now, somethings wrong" Hotch said gravely

"Hotch what is it?" I questioned further

"I can't explain right now, but Spencer's in trouble and I need you here now!" He replied as he hung up the phone

My heart sank as I removed the phone from my ear. I froze, I didn't know how to move. What is going on? Is Spencer going to be alright? I needed to leave.

I ran back into the restaurant and grabbed up my bag

"Mr and Mrs Miller it was an absolute pleasure to meet you but I've just received an urgent call and I must leave now" I said coolly trying to keep it together

I walked away from the table as Jacob followed directly after me

"Mom, what's going on?" Jacob whispered concerned

"Your father's in trouble Jake and I need to go now! Stay here and finish up with Kelsey, I'll call you as soon as I know what's going on ok?" I rushed as I walked out the door

"Okay, stay safe mom" Jacob called after me

I turned back one last time before hopping into the taxi

"I'm so sorry" I called out to him

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now