Chapter 40

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** Spencer's P.O.V. **

"I'm coming with you" I panted over the phone to Carrie as I tried to get my bag packed and leave before Darcy got home

"Are you sure you're thinking straight Spencer?" Carrie questioned doubtfully

"I'm not sure about a lot of things right now but one thing is straight and that is I can't spend another moment without you" I muttered

I heard her small laugh from the other end of the phone as I took the stairs two at a time and grabbed my keys

"I'll see you soon" I smiled to myself as I hung up the phone

Before I left I slipped a note on the table beside the front door for Darcy. It was cowardly I know, but I couldn't say it to her face, but right now I needed to be happy. Besides I had no idea where she was. She never called or text but I presumed she was with JJ.

I took one last glance at our house as I threw my bags into the back seat of my car and hopped into the front. This was it.


** Darcy's P.O.V. **

Oh shit Darcy, you've don't it again! I cursed myself as I turned to see Will lying next to me. No matter how much JJ had fucked me over by using Spencer, I still would never do this to her! I knew how much Will meant to her, how much he probably still means to her. If she found out about this, about us, she would never forgive me. I have to admit this was insanely childish of me. The minute JJ and I fall out I go running to her ex-husband for comfort.

Wow Darcy you've reached a new low.

"Hey" Will whispered in the god damn sexiest of morning voices

Ugh why did he have to make it so damn hard on me?

"Morning" I smiled, trying to hide what I was feeling right now

"Do you want some coffee?" Will asked as he propped himself up on his elbow to face me

"No thanks, I should probably get going" I said as I began to get out of the bed

But before I could, Will stretched over and grabbed my waist, pulling me back into his grip. I couldn't help but laugh

"Will" I giggled as I tried to swat his arms off "Will I've got to go, Spencer will be wondering" I began as I kept laughing but he cut me off by placing his sweet lips onto mine

"What happened to 'fuck spencer' last night?" he grinned as he rolled me over so that he was hovering above me

"I had a little too much to drink last night, besides he's leaving tomorrow and I have to say goodbye" my tone grew a little more serious now

Will began to kiss me again and as he moved to my neck he whispered

"Last night wasn't a mistake you know" he mumbled against my neck sending vibrations down my spine "I loved every second with you" he smiled before he kissed me once again and looked up at me

"Will we can't do this to JJ" I said seriously as I pushed him off of me and rolled out of the bed "I can't do this to JJ" I sighed  as I pulled on my jeans and decided to take Will's V-neck because I had no idea where I threw mine last night

"I have to go" I looked back at him sadly as I gave him a small smile, all I wanted to do was to jump back into bed and lay with him for as long as humanly possible

"Will you come see me again?" he asked hesitantly, afraid of what the answer might be

"Maybe" I smiled as I left the room and grabbed my bag along the way. I left the house and got into my car and drove home.


"Spence?" I shouted as I entered my home, "Spencer are you home?" I called once more but still no reply

I dropped my bag beside the table at the door and noticed the note sitting there addressed to me

It was from Spencer.

"Darcy," he wrote "This isn't how I pictured us, this isn't how I pictured my future when you said yes all those years ago. You deserved better, I could only make you happy for a short while but you deserved happiness forever. I gave you a child, but I also failed as a father. When you left me that note, when I thought you were dead, you made me promise you to tell Jacob every single day how much you loved him, I promised to keep him safe and raise him well, but I failed. I am also about to break one more promise but I couldn't do it to your face, because I'm scared and I'm a coward, I promised you the day we got married, that I would love you and be with you, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health every day of my life, and I've failed you. I'm leaving tomorrow but I've got some things to figure out first. I don't know if I should tell you to move on because a part of me needs you here when I get back but I'm selfish, I've hurt you and I will hurt you again and again if you don't find a better way. Take care of yourself.

I'm sorry, I will always love you,


"Oh Spence" I sobbed as my tears splashed off the note and I fell to floor and curled up hugging the note tight to my chest. How could he do this? How could he leave me without saying goodbye? But suddenly things came back, the late nights with no phone calls, the long days at work and the "nights out" with colleagues.

There is someone else 


HEY EVERYONE!! WOW CHAPTER 40! I hope you all enjoy this story PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK? There will probably be more chapters in this story compared to the first because there's a lot more i want to show you guys. Plus you all deserve a happy ending compared to the last one :) PLEASE SHARE THIS AND COMMENT AND VOTE


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