Chapter 17

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** Hotch's P.O.V. ** 

"Okay guys, we have 6 dead in the space of 6 weeks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa" JJ began the debrief 

"Why weren't we called earlier?" Morgan questioned 

"The unsub has been killing and dumping bodies across state lines, all female" JJ answered 

"So we're more than likely looking for a male unsub, any signs of sexual assault on the bodies?" Prentiss questioned  

"Pathologists couldn't get an accurate reading" JJ sighed as she pressed the button on the remote and the gruesome images of the bodies appeared "They were butchered so it was hard for forensics to pull anything, other than there were vital organs missing in each of the women" JJ said 

"This is serious overkill, this guy has something personal against each of these women" Reid stated 

I noticed JJ look towards Reid when he spoke and gave him a flirting glance which he returned, I stared at them both suspiciously before I decided to speak 

"And that's exactly why we need to act fast to catch this sick son of a bitch, wheels up in thirty" I said as I stood up 

"Oh and Reid and I will not be with you on this case, so if you need two more Agents call Cooper in the units secondary team" I said leaving the room 

After a minute I heard Reid's footsteps trailing behind me 

"Come into my office Spencer" I called to him 

I entered my office and sat down behind my desk seeing an anxious Spencer Reid appear in front of me 

"What is it Hotch?" Spencer asked as he stood with his back to the door, closing it behind him 

"Sit down Spencer" I said with a serious tone "and don't worry you're not in any trouble just listen to me ok"  

"I have an offer for you" I said 

"Ok" Reid replied hesitantly 

"The C.I.A want you on one of their special ops taskforce, they've seen the work you do with us and they're very impressed by you and they think you would be a very strong asset to them, however, as part of this operation you will have to travel between here and Iraq" I explained with a business like tone 

"I can't accept that sir" Reid replied in a definite tone straightening up defensively in his chair "I can't leave this team, this is my home, why don't they want Morgan or Prentiss? Morgan has a lot more experience and is physically perfect for the field. And Prentiss! She's done this before with Interpol against Ian Doyle! I don't see why they need me!" Reid stated 

"I know this is hard to get your head around Spencer, but this is an operation of terrorist intelligence and an attack against this country! It's not about experience or being physically fit for the field, experience or physique will not prepare you for this but your knowledge will!" I replied trying to convince him to think about it 

"I'm sorry Hotch, I can't do this, and I can't leave this team" Reid said desperately  

"You can't leave JJ, is that it?" I spat back sarcastically seeing that his judgement was clouded by a married woman who was having difficulty but would never leave her husband  

"Excuse me?" Reid replied confused and speechless 

"I've seen you two Spencer, don't lie to me, I see how you two look at each other every few seconds, how three days ago JJ hardly spoke to anyone, she was exhausted and upset but now she's full of life, did Will suddenly stop being an alcoholic, or did she find someone to take her mind off him?" I stood up with an emotionless expression across my face 

"How do you know this?" Reid asked shocked 

"I'm a profiler Reid, but I'm also JJ's friend and she talks to me! And as both your boss and your friend I am not about to let you two make this mistake! I made it once before and I will not see you two be ripped apart the way I was with Darcy, I know she became your wife Spencer, but she was also my best friend, for a very long time!" I said harshly as I stood by the window when a light knock interrupted Reid from arguing back 

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt something Agent Hotchner?" the woman's voice came from the door 

"No Carrie, you're right on time, please come in" I smiled clearing my throat 

"Spencer this is Carrie Mathison, she's an intelligence agent with the C.I.A. Carrie this is Dr Spencer Reid I was telling you about" I introduced the two as Spencer stood up to greet her 

"Hi Spencer" Carrie smiled 

"Spencer I would like you to go to Langley with Carrie and she will discuss the operation with you and from there you can make up your mind about staying here or taking on the job, I'd advise you to choose wisely" I implied seriously 

"Yes sir" Reid replied, clearly pissed off 

"Well, I'll see you again sometime Aaron" Carrie smiled as she opened the door and walked out with Spencer trailing behind 

"Oh and Spencer" I called him back

"Yes Hotch" he mumbled 

"This thing between you and JJ, it has to end" I whispered harshly


So this is definitely one of my favourite chapters i've written so far in this story :) i never intended on writing this kind of stroyline but lately i've fallen in love with the TV series Homeland and i would like to incorporate some of it into this story, i think it would put an interesting twist on things. What do you guys think ? Will Spencer stay at Quantico with JJ or will he start something new at Langley

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