Chapter 33

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** Reid's P.O.V. ** 

That night on Carrie's porch after I kissed her I couldn't help myself I followed her inside and to her bedroom. She was so beautiful with the moonlight shining through the window on her naked body, her blonde hair glistening. Her eyes softened as she kissed me, laying her head on my bare chest. No one ever made me feel this way, 

Not even Darcy. 

Feeling myself inside her as our bodies intertwined, I kissed her soft lips as we both unravelled, I lay breathlessly beside her with my arms around her.  

We lay there for a while and eventually her breathing slowed and she was asleep. I watched her as she slept, her head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I watched her as her chest slowly rose and fell with every gentle breath she took, I could stay like this forever. 

But eventually the guilt started to creep in, I thought of Darcy waiting at home for me, worrying about where I was. I still hadn't told her that I was leaving for Islamabad. Eventually the guilt ate away at me and I slowly moved Carrie from me, replacing my body with a pillow so she wouldn't notice my absence until she woke up. I quickly put my clothes on and left her house, deciding not to drive as I still felt the alcohol affecting me. 

When I got home Darcy wasn't there. I went to our bedroom and she wasn't in bed either. I thought she might be seeing JJ, so I hopped into bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep. I awoke the next morning and saw that Darcy still wasn't home. 

I checked my phone and saw the missed calls and texts, my phone must have been on silent, I didn't hear a single one come in. The more I read through my texts from Darcy and Hotch the more worried I got. 

I decided to call Darcy, fidgeting with my fingers as I waited for her to pick up 

"What do you want?" she spat harshly  

I was shocked by her abrupt answer and found myself speechless, I had no idea what to say to her 

"Darcy I'm sorry" I began, they were the only words that could come out of my mouth 

"You're unbelievable you know that?" she cut me off and I hung my head knowing what was about to come and she had every right to be angry at me like this 

"I've called you 6 times and the rest of the team too!" Darcy continued "And you don't even have the decency to pick up the phone? Who are you Spencer? What are you hiding from me? Because the man I knew is not my husband anymore" she began to half whisper half shout in a strained tone 

Her words drove daggers in to my heart, but each of them were true. The Spencer Reid I was a month ago would never have snuck around, or cheated on his wife 

What happened to me? 

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and tried to say something to her 

"Darcy please, just let me.." I tried to explain but Darcy cut me off 

"Let you explain? Give you another chance? Is that what you want Spencer? Well right now I'm in the middle of a case where our son is now the prime victim and is about to be beaten to a pulp in the next 24 fucking hours if we don't find him! And where's his dad? Fucking god knows where" she spat as she hung up the phone sharply 

I stood there, not knowing what to do 

The news had slammed my chest like a ton of bricks and all I could do was stand there, my son was being tortured and I couldn't even think straight for one second 

Then my phone began to ring again, I answered it quickly hoping it was Darcy, but instead it was the last person I needed to talk to right now 

"Hey brain box where did you disappear to last night? You trying to give me a one night stand are you?" she said seductively into the phone 

"Not now Carrie" I hissed 

"Oh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she teased, sounding as if she was talking to a 5 year old 

"I won't be in today, it's an emergency, I need to see the team back at Quantico" I snapped 

Her tone changed almost immediately 

"Don't you fucking dare skip today Reid, we have 5 days before we leave for Islamabad and you are not missing these last few days of vital training" she hissed  

"Go fuck yourself Carrie" I spat in the heat of the moment and hung up on her 

I quickly got changed and drove as fast as I could to Quantico 

I ran up the stairs two at a time and took the elevator to our floor, I burst through the doors to find the office empty 

Garcia follows closely behind as she sees me running past her office doorway 

"Spencer they left an hour ago, but Morgan just called and said they're on their way back, Jacob is in hospital but he'll be ok and the unsub is dead" Garcia said with a look of disappointment on her face, not because of the unsub dying, but because I wasn't here to help my wife through this 

"Where were you Spence?" she whispered in a sad tone 

"Not now Penelope" I sighed "Just tell me where Darcy is" 

"She's at the hospital with Jacob" she gives a sad smile and as I turn to leave she grabs my shoulder 

"Spencer I don't think now is a great time to be there, Darcy is really upset, I don't think she needs.." Garcia said  

"What she needs is her husband by her side, like I should have been since the moment she came back from Berlin, but I wasn't! I left her alone and I've left her to deal with this case on her own! I should have been there Penelope" tears began to roll down my cheeks 

"But I wasn't, I just couldn't take it" I sobbed 

Garcia put her arms around me gently  

"I thought she was dead" I cried into her shoulder 

I stood back from Garcia, wiped my eyes and straightened myself up 

"So I need to be there now! For her and for Jacob" I whispered 

Garcia gave me a smile and nodded  

"Then go Spencer, and don't ever leave her side again!" she whispered 

A pang of guilt hit me again as I realised I will have to leave Darcy in 5 more days wither I like it or not 

I turned and left the building as fast as I could, running to my car and speeding off down the highway to the hospital 

I brought the car to a screeching stop outside the main doors and ran inside 

"Jacob Reid?" I asked the receptionist 

"Room 106" the woman replied bluntly 

I raced to the elevator and jogged to room 106 

I looked in the window and saw Darcy holding Jacob's hand sobbing as she watched him sleep 

"Darce" I whispered in a strangled tone as I entered the room 

She turned to face me, her face livid 

"You're too late" she spat "you weren't there to save him, and now he's here, struggling to hang on and you decide to show your face" she said enraged 

"Darcy please" I whispered 

"Get the fuck out" she roared

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