Chapter 4

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** Jacob's P.O.V ** 

"Jacob where's the brandy?" I heard Casper call from the living room 

"You've had enough!" I said as stood up from my desk in my bedroom and walked out into the living room 

Dad leaped up from the chair and strode across the room at a furious pace grabbing me by my shirt collar. 

"Don't you dare tell me my limits boy" he yelled in my face, the stench of his breath overwhelming 

He let go of me and flopped back on his chair in a huff  

"Now go get me some more liquor you waste of space" he demanded 

"Get it yourself, you lazy old bastard" I spat in reply 

He slowly rose from the chair this time and gave me a deathly stare, he made his way to the kitchen, obviously to take money from MY wallet. 

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood son" he mumbled as he left the house slamming the door behind him 

I stood still for what felt like forever, feeling this tingling rage start to build up inside me. It finally got to me and I couldn't control it. I started flinging vases, shoving papers off my desk, kicking the sofa and punching doors. I screamed and yelled as loud as I could trying to finally let out the years of suppressed anger. I started removing drawers from their holders in the kitchen.  

As I threw one of the drawers to the ground dozens of letters flew up from it as it landed with a loud thud on the floor beneath. 

I held one of the letters up in my shaking hand 

"What the hell?" I whispered in awe  

** Kelsey's P.O.V ** 

"Kelsey you know he'll kill you if you do this!" Tyler lectured me as we sat in my apartment eating Chinese take out  

"Tyler he's leaving me no choice!" I said in a strangled tone trying to make him see sense 

"I have to do this, with or without Jacob!" I said in a stern, serious tone 

"Do you know what kind of trouble you could get into if you don't pull it off properly?" Tyler said sceptically 

"Of course I fucking know! Blah blah the F.B.I blah blah BULLSHIT!" I spat "They ain't gonna catch me" I mocked 

"Just be careful" Tyler sighed in defeat 

"You mean you're ok with this?" I said excited 

"We need the publicity" he shrugged


Hey guys sorry i havent updated ! School's been crazy ! Thanks to everyone who's reading

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