Chapter 32

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** Darcy's P.O.V. ** 

I ran behind JJ as we got to the board room as fast as we could 

"What is it?" I burst through in a panic 

Hotch looked gravely at me as I stood by his side and waited for him to speak  

"We've just gotten a call from Jacob Donov....." Hotch hesitated before saying Jacob's last name wondering if it would offend me to use his father's surname, I hung my head in neutrality knowing it didn't matter, all that mattered was saving my boy. Hotch cleared his throat and began to speak again 

"We got a call from Jacob Reid's girlfriend Kelsey saying as she pulled up at her boyfriend's house she witnessed a man dragging an unconscious Jacob into a black 4x4 SUV" Hotch stated 

"How along ago was this?" I questioned 

"About an hour ago" Hotch hung his head 

"And we're still standing here?" I looked at him incredulously 

"We had to wait, we have no location, no profile, and no description! We can't run around the city blind" Hotch tried to talk sense into me 

"Bullshit" I spat "You're just waiting for my son to be thrown out on the streets like the rest of them so that you can get a better fucking profile" I fumed  

"Darcy calm down!" Morgan said "We also needed to wait because we want you to talk to someone" Morgan said calmly  

I gave him a confused look as JJ walked towards me and took my arm 

"Come on" she said softly as she led me out of the room 

There was a young girl standing at the bottom of the stairs, although worry clouded her features she was very pretty, with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, she had the gentlest eyes and seemed genuinely concerned, I knew it was Jake's girl. 

"Darcy this is Kelsey Miller, Kelsey this is Agent Darcy Reid" JJ introduced us 

"Hi Kelsey" I smiled softly, finally calming down 

"Are you Jacob's mother?" she questioned in awe 

"I am" I said shakily, it gave me a weird feeling 

"You have to find him Mrs Reid, this isn't good, I knew it from the moment I saw that man taking him, Jacob is hurt and he needs you" she begged 

"My team and I are doing our best Kelsey, I promise" I said clenching my jaw knowing we had nothing so far 

"You need to tell me everything you saw Kelsey, go through every second before that car drove off" I said intently  

She nodded as I led her up the stairs and into the bullpen to share her information with the rest of the team 

Just as Kelsey began to speak my phone began to vibrate in my pocket 

"Excuse me" I whispered before leaving the room 

I looked at the caller I.D it was Spencer, I answered the phone, anger filling me by the second 

"What do you want?" I spat harshly 

"Darce I'm so sorry" Spencer began, I cut him off before he could say anything more 

"You're unbelievable you know that? I've called you 6 times and the rest of the team too! And you don't even have the decency to pick up the phone? Who are you Spencer? What are you hiding from me? Because the man I knew, is not my husband anymore" I whispered in a strained tone 

"Darcy please, just let me.." he tried to explain but I cut him off once again 

"Let you explain? Give you another chance? Is that what you want Spencer? Well right now I'm in the middle of a case where our son is now the prime victim and is about to be beaten to a pulp in the next 24 fucking hours if we don't find him! And where's his dad? Fucking god knows where" I spat as I hung up the phone sharply 

I wasn't prepared to listen to his bullshit excuse, I didn't even want to think of what he was doing 

I returned to the bullpen to see what the team had learned from Kelsey  

"What's up?" I whispered to JJ as I realised the room was completely silent 

"Morgan thinks Kelsey has the registration number of the car in her head but she's too panicked to remember so he's trying to walk her through it" JJ whispered 

"Who were you talking to?" she whispered again 

"Spencer" I grimaced 

Judging from my facial expression JJ decided to say no more 

"I-I-I see it" Kelsey stuttered hurriedly "It's, uh, 5, 8, 9, VA," Kelsey began, struggling to remember 

"You're doing great Kelsey, just two more numbers and we catch this son of a bitch" Morgan encouraged her 

"3, 7" Kelsey exclaimed "They're the last two numbers" she huffed 

"That's great! Did you catch that momma?" Morgan said over the phone to Penelope 

"Already on it hot stuff" she mumbled as she typed furiously on the keyboard 

"Okay, it's currently parked at an abandoned swimming pool 20 minutes from here" she said 

"Send us that address Garcia" Hotch said sternly as we all hurried from the building to our cars 

I jumped in beside Hotch as the address displayed on the GPS and we sped off 

We pulled up outside the abandoned swimming pool, it was dark, damp and extremely derelict. We got out of the cars and slowly walked towards the building  

"JJ and Morgan I want you guys to check round back, Darcy and I will take the front, enter quietly, he is rash and if he knows we're coming he might hurt Jacob, we need to take him by surprise" Hotch ordered 

We walked cautiously towards the door, it was already slightly ajar, Hotch pushed it gently and we proceeded through. I could hear the laboured huffs of a man and the whimper of another. I knew Jacob was in trouble 

I began to quicken my pace and Hotch could see the desperation in my face so he followed 

I stood there as I saw the tall, built man beat my already unconscious son to a pulp 

"F.B.I stop what you're doing" I screamed 

He dropped my son to the floor and continued to kick him, he gave a guttural laugh as he began to speak 

"Hello, Ms Darcy Blake" he said slyly "I believe we haven't met before" he said as he dealt another blow to Jacob 

"My name is Jackson, and I'm about to kill your little boyfriend" he cackled  

The anger beginning to boil inside me was too much to bare, I pulled my gun and directed it at him 

"Darcy what are you doing?" Hotch whispered sternly 

"It's Mrs Reid, and that's my son you bastard" I screamed 

Without thinking I shot at Jackson 3 times and watched as he slumped to the ground 

"Darcy what are you thinking?" Hotch barked 

I didn't listen, I just ran towards my son and slid across the tiled floor to where he lay 

"Jacob" I sobbed, all the emotions beginning to take their toll 

"Mom" he whimpered 

I held him close to me, it was the first time I had held my son in 20 years

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