Chapter 59

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** Darcy's P.O.V. **

After three extremely long weeks in the hospital I was finally discharged. It felt so good to be home. Hotch and Kate made regular visits to the hospital every day to see me but it was so good to be able to finally relax with them at home. Jacob is still here helping around the house and taking care of Kate when Aaron is in work. The paperwork was finalised on Kate's adoption and she is now part of the family. JJ flew up from D.C. to visit me while I was in hospital, her and Will were stronger than ever and Henry was home for a few weeks and things were really looking up for them as a family. It was so great to hear they were finally sorting things out. I was bed ridden for 2 weeks after being discharged and needed some physical therapy. It was tough but I am almost finished and then things can go back to normal and I prepare for going back to college in 3 weeks.

"Hey mom" Jacob's call as he entered the house woke me from my thoughts as I re focused on where I was

"What's up Jake?" I answered from the living room

"Kelsey's here" he smiled as he entered the living room with his wife by his side

"Oh hey Kels, how are you?" I beamed, so happy to see a new face

"I'm great Darcy, how are you? I hope I'm not intruding on your recovery, I would have come sooner but I felt you needed some time to get back on your feet before you had visitors crowding you" she said caringly

"Don't be silly Kelsey, you're not a visitor, you're family! It's great to have you here, I think Jake is getting bored what with Aaron working all day and me asleep most of the time, all he's had is Kate for company" I laughed

"Oh yes where is my new little sister-in-law?" Kelsey beamed

Jacob left the room to get Kate from her nursery and bring her to the living room

"Hey sweetie" Kelsey beamed as she swiped Kate up into her arms giving her a kiss on the cheek

"What age is she?" Kelsey asked me

"She's 20 months old" I smiled lovingly as my eyes latched on to Kate's smiling face

"She's adorable! I'm sure she has been great practice for you" Kelsey said cheekily to Jacob

I looked at the both of them in confusion and before I could piece it together, Jacob spoke.

"Mom I wanted to wait until Kelsey got here so we both could tell you the news" Jacob's face broke into a huge grin

"I'm pregnant" Kelsey smiled uncontrollably

"Oh my god! Congratulations you both!" I almost squealed as I cautiously stood up from the sofa to hug them both

"I can't believe you're making me a grandmother" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around Jacob and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Both of you will be amazing" I said as I moved to Kelsey to hug her too

"You guys will have to visit as often as you can! And of course I will come up to D.C when I'm on break from college" I began to say excitedly

"I think you're more excited than we are mom" Jacob scoffed

"Oh wait until Aaron here's the news! He's going to be over the moon" I called excitedly once more as I made my way to the hall to grab my phone and call Hotch

"Aaron you've got to get home quick!" I shouted as I paced around childishly

"What's going on?" his tone turned concerned

"Kelsey arrived and she and Jacob have some amazing news" I laughed hearing his tone

"Go on tell me" he laughed back in relief

"We're going to be grandparents" I sing songed

"What?!" Aaron answered in disbelief "I'll be home in 10 minutes" he said excitedly


Sorry for such a short chapter everyone! But this next chapter will be the final in this book :( I am going to take a break for a while because of school plus I'm very excited to get planning all new material for the THIRD and FINAL book of the trilogy BLANK CANVAS. Once i post the last chapter I will have an author's note explaining my plans! Thanks for sticking with me guys <3 

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