Chapter 52

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** Darcy's P.O.V. **

"Well, what do you say? It'll just be something small, we can run down to the registry office tomorrow and it'll just be us, we can go get some dinner and when I get my holidays in the summer I'll bring you somewhere beautiful" he smiled excitedly as I stood back in shock

"Uh Aaron, I, are we even ready for this kind of step?" I questioned speechlessly

This was completely out of nowhere! The other day I thought we were going to leave each other for good and now he's proposing!

"Look Darce I know this is crazy and if you're not ready I completely understand but if we're going to start a new life here why not? We're not going back to D.C., we're not going to meet new people, we've only ever had eyes for each other and I think we can finally have the life we've always wanted, the life we deserve!" he took me by the hands as his eyes widened with the thought of us

"I just need some time" I muttered as I let go of his hands and stepped back

"I understand" he said softly as he kissed my forehead "take all the time you need"

"Actually Hotch there's someone I need to see, I need to go back to D.C. for a few days to clear up a few things before I fully commit to here, I hope that's ok?" I looked up at him with a small smile

"Sure, do you need me to come with you?" he offered politely

"I think I need to do this alone" I said gently


The next morning I packed my things and drove to D.C. If I was going to move on I couldn't leave things the way I left them. It was time I confronted my mistakes.

I decided to stop for coffee once I arrived in the city and went back to my favourite place, where a familiar face greeted me as I entered the line.

"Darce?" a familiar voice greeted me

I looked up to see who it was

"Will!" I beamed "how are you?"

"I'm good Darce, how are you? I haven't seen you around in so long!" he exclaimed

"I'm great! Actually Hotch and I moved to New York a few months ago, he's working in the New York field office and I'm studying to be a civil rights attorney" I smiled

"Wow that's great Darce! So you and Hotch huh?" he hinted raising his eyebrows

"Yeah, uhm, it's complicated" I laughed awkwardly

"When is it not with you guys?" he laughed

"Look Will I've come here to clear some stuff up before I move on with Aaron and I know it was a long time ago but what happened between you and I...." I started but Will cut me off

"It was nothing Darce, I know. We were both in a bad place and we needed someone, I get it, it's ok, I just want for us to be friends, how about it?" he smiled knowingly

"I'd like that" I smiled as I gave him a hug and he turned to receive his coffee

"How's JJ?" I asked

"She's good, uh, we're good actually" he laughed softly

"You guys are back together?" I asked, almost shocked

"Well we're trying to work out the kinks but we're getting there" he smiled proudly

"Well that's great to hear Will, I'm happy for you both" I grinned "take care of her" I said with a lower tone

"Don't you worry" he said with a more serious tone "It's been great seeing you Darce, come visit soon ok?" he lightened up again

"I will" I nodded as we said our goodbyes and he left the store

I bought my coffee and left soon after, driving to a familiar yet distant house not far from my own. I had no idea what to expect but I had to try. I exited the car and walked up to the front door, knocking softly as I heard footsteps respond to my arrival.

"Darcy?" a stern face greeted me

"Hey Jaydge" I smiled sadly

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now