Chapter 25

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** Darcy's P.O.V. ** 

"Can I help you ma'am?" Jacob said in a helpful yet confused tone 

He didn't know who I was. 

"Jacob" I started quietly but I didn't know how to continue so I started in the simplest way I knew how 

"My name's Darcy Blake" I smiled slightly 

And as soon as he heard my name it dawned on him. His face dropped and he turned a sickly white, I didn't blame him, how could I possibly expect him to like me after leaving him all these years 

"I-I-I don't think this is a good time right now, I'm kinda in the middle of something.." he began as he slowly tried to close the door on us 

"Jacob please I just want to talk" I reached out in desperation but it only made him close the door quicker 

"God dammit!" I cursed under my breath as I breathed a sigh of sadness  

"Hey" Spencer whispered as he pulled me in for a hug "We'll try again" he whispered as he slid the letter under Jacob's door 

"Maybe this will make him see sense" Spencer mumbled as he put his arm around my shoulders and we left the building 

I could feel the tears building in my eyes as the full wave of rejection hit me and the pain in my heart grew. We sat into the car and Spencer's phone began to ring, a look of annoyance shrouded his features when he saw who was calling. 

"Hello" he answered with gritted teeth 

The phone was loud enough that I could hear the whole conversation 

"Hi Dr Reid, its Carrie, I need you in today remember" the woman said in a strict tone 

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Spencer mumbled in reply then hung up 

"Who's that?" I questioned in curiosity 

"No one" he mumbled "can we just go please?" he huffed 

** Jacob's P.O.V. ** 

What the fuck just happened? Did my mother (I shivered at that word) seriously just show up at my doorstep! Really? I never knew what it was like to have a mother! And the bitch clearly didn't care about me if she left 20 years ago and only now decides to show up when I'm a man and I don't need anyone looking out for me. She had some nerve! And who the hell was that dude she dragged along? Probably one of her pimps! I didn't believe a single word of her case file. If she was such a decorated Agent then why did she leave her 1 year old son with a beat up alcoholic for the rest of his life! 

I noticed the piece of paper that was slipped under my door, I walked over to it and picked it up, opening it slowly 

It read: 

"Dear Jacob, 

My name is Dr Spencer Reid, the guys you saw standing next to your mother. And well I'm your father. I wrote this because I knew it was going to be hard for you to accept me and Darcy into your life so suddenly but I promise you we both want the best for you, so whatever you decided we will accept, but I wanted you to see this first. Just before your mother left she wrote me this, bearing in mind I thought your mother was dead, which I will explain to you if you decide you want to talk to us. I never stopped searching for you Jake and your mother never stopped loving you, please remember that. Spencer.

With this note he had a letter attached and it read: 

"To my dearest darling Spencer Reid,  

I knew it wouldn't take you long to find this. And you never read my books because the only romance you like is our real life love. So if you're reading this something has probably happened to me.  

The day you proposed to me you said that in this job we put our lives on the line each and every day. So I decided to write this letter after our precious little boy was born. So that you'd have something to remember me by 

Spencer you are the love of my life and I am the luckiest woman in the world to have found you. I was blind for so many years but you never gave up on me and I will be forever grateful to you for that. You hold my heart for eternity and I will never stop loving you, no matter where I am or where you might go, I'll always be by your side. But Spencer I need you to do something for me. If something has happened to me and I am no longer around do not mourn me, pick yourself up, find comfort in your team and do not take their love and guidance for granted because they will help you stand back up from whatever blows I throw at you. You need to be a strong father and you need to give Jacob all your love and attention. No matter how old he gets, no matter how big he grows you remind him every single day without fail that his mommy loved him and will go on forever loving him. You make sure he gets a good education and raise him to be respectful which I have no doubt you will. You're a great father Spencer and an even better husband and I want you to keep on living even if that means moving on.  

Give the team my love and tell JJ I'm sorry. She was the greatest friend I ever had I never meant to leave her like this.  

I love you Dr Spencer Reid  

Your dearest darling wife,  

Darcy Reid." 

Reading this made me realise that maybe I could give them a chance. I mean what have I got to lose?

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