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10:45 p.m.

The group left just a few minutes ago, already on their way to the hēi màn bā gang's headquarters to retrieve information from their database.

Some of the members were in Ten and Winwin's office monitoring the mission while some were handling business elsewhere.

"You have to be out by 30 minutes," Ten said talking into the headset.

"Kun, just follow the route on the GPS and then pick them up on the pinned location,"

Kun replied with a 'copy' and the rest of the members watched with focus while Ten and Winwin surveilled the screens with light speed.

Chaerin kept an eye on the screens, the anxiety eating her up as she tried to keep a poker face.

"That's the door, 78548." Ten spoke into the mic.

Mark gestured the others to follow him while Kun quietly drove away. He punched in the numbers and then quickly went into their positions.

"Xiaojun, 2nd floor, balcony to the left,"

"Hendery, 2nd floor, balcony to the right,"

Ten ordered as he flicked through the CCTV of the building.

"Yī (One)," Xiaojun started quietly, his head lowering to the gunsight of his sniper, his finger resting on the trigger.

"Èr (Two),"

"Sān (Three)," Hendery whispered as bullets went flying into the air. Two bodies fell with a thump simultaneously.

The sound of the snipers reloading was heard through the earpieces, completely synchronized.

The four then entered the building, stealthy taking out people and making their way through the halls with Ten's direction.

"Haechan the door, we'll cover," Mark instructs quietly as he surveyed the number of people in the room.

Haechan responds with a nod and Mark counted down with his fingers, the three watching attentively for the signal.

As Mark signaled them, a series of silenced gunshots rang through the earpiece, almost making Chaerin flinch.

"There are 7 people inside, Xiaojun, Hendery, on my signal," Ten commanded.

"And now."

The four barged into the room and immediately took action while the two snipers supported them.

"You have less than 20 minutes, pick up the pace," Ten informed them as they started to get the data they went there for.

"Ten we have a problem," Xiaojun hastily informed them with a tsk.

"What is it?"

"I see someone on the first floor, I think he called for back up," he bit his lip in vexation, "Hendery,"

Another shot rang as Hendery swiftly took out the target.

Ten cussed under his breath, "He showed up uncalled for,"

"Scratch that, 10 minutes max," he ordered as the four in the building rushed to finish the task.

"Kun change of plans, go to the rendezvous point now,"

"I can't," Kun said frustrated, "Someone's tailing me, there won't be a window until I lose them."

"What?" Ten rapidly typed on his keyboard and several tabs popped up showing CCTV footage of Kun's location.

"You guys done yet? 3 minutes until their backup arrives," Ten notified them, trying not to let worry leak in his voice.

"Ten, there's more," Kun said in alarm, "They're trying to cut me off!"

"He won't make it in time," Ten murmured in panic. "They can't escape by just running!"

"I'll pick them up," Chaerin piped up, making everyone turn to her.

"I'll pick them up," Chaerin piped up, making everyone turn to her

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