The New Roomate

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After getting thought of niklaus & me almost getting hit by a car out of my head, I finally look up to see a huge house. The house looked like it's been there for years but yet it was still beautiful to look at. I walk up to the door step and knock. Elena opens the door and jumps in my arms squealing like a pig. I couldn't help but to smile. As Elena is Un-tangling herself from me two men walk in the room one with dark black hair & the other with dirty blonde hair. Elena says to them " stefan & damon this is my step sister Ladaisia she is going to be staying with yall for a while" the men look up with a surprised look on her face like they was amazed I was her step-sister. The blonde haired one took his hand out his pocket and said " hey my name is Stefan Salvatore it's a pleasure to meet you" I took his hand as a symbol of excepting what he said was okay. When I let go of his hand the dark haired one extended his arm " Hello there sexy my name is Damon Salvatore I'm the older and more dangerous one" he says with a smirk on his face. I'm glad yall are letting me crash here for a while , I literally had nowhere else to go. "Well stefan, Damon you guys just made a new roommate, and I think she's quite the pick." Elena says smiling at me. " Well shall I show you to your new bedroom" Elena adds after making the complement. Yeah I guess I could use some rest so let's go I say rushing to get in the bed. " you'll be staying right next to Damon's room, but please don't mind him he's a creep and dang--" Elena says but gets interrupted by damon. " Oh taking about me to the new girl already come'on now you have to give me a chance" he says with a pouty face. Guys I'm tired could we cut the chitchat and get down to the rules so I can sleep please. " there is no rules your not a 7 year old honey " damon says with a little chuckle in his voice. Okay if there is no rules to discuss then goodnight to you all. " goodnight sexy " Damon says. Elena shoves him and says " BACK OFF " real feisty before turning to me and saying " goodnight I love you and sleep good. As they both exit my room I take my clothes off because I sleep naked. I know it's weird but I just feel more comfortable. I get all snuggled up to my pillow then I close my eyes and enter my never ending dreams.

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