Klaus's Point of View

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I'm walking down the street trying to calm down after somebody failed to do what I asked, I bump into a lady with her head down. She says " excuse me " I thought to myself that voice. I know that voice. I finally figure out the voice comes from not just any beautiful young lady, but from ladaisia. We began to have a conversation when suddenly my phone rings. I become annoyed from the interruption. I mouth to ladaisia something before walking of a couple inches away. The person on the other end is one of my enemies. Trenton! He hates me because I killed his mother, but he didn't do what I asked him to so he deserved it. " Oh hey klaus it's been a while since I seen you" Trenton said with a laugh. " Why are you calling me I was having a blood conversation" I said furiously. " Well I wanted to let you know I have your sister & she is probably going to be dead in a hour so I thought you might want to say goodbye.?" He said with a slight chuckle. " I don't believe you, prove it" I say not wanting to believe what he was saying was true. " NIK RUN HES GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU COME AFTER ME" Rebekah says to me while crying. " LAY ONE BLOODY HAND ON HER I WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT OF YOUR BACK, TEAR YOUR HEAD OF & PUT IT ON A STICK THEN SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS" I say angrier than ever. Trenton hangs up the phone , so I could no longer hear my sisters cries. I walk back over to ladaisia. She seems a bit frightened I guess I shouldn't of said it that loud. I then began to speak. " I'm going to have to rain check this, but I would like to meet again. What's your number" I say trying to rush the conversation so I could go find my sister. " that was quite the argument " she says trying to figure out what happened. " yeah people just make me mad when they don't follow orders " I say telling some of the truth. Finally she gives me her number & I leave in a hurry leaving her behind. I felt bad but i couldn't let my sister die because of my love for this girl who I just met. I finally remembered when I was talking to Trenton I heard bells in the back. Not like any bells, but church bells. I remembered I killed his mother at lake fields church of God. What a foolish boy. I started waking to the church thinking of all the things I would do to this man when I find him. Suddenly I get the feeling that somebody is following me so i start to walk faster till I arrived at the church and I heard my sisters cries once again. I bust threw the doors killing the three body guards he had waiting by the door. " GIVE ME HER " I scream loudly. Trenton pops out of nowhere trying to stab me in the heart with a dagger. He fails because I hear him and I could sense his fear. " YOU WILL NEVER DESTROY ME" I say stabbing him in the heart causing him to die instantly. I go & grab Rebekah from the back of the church. As I'm walking back into the main room I look up to see Ladaisia standing there like she was terrified. " Ladaisia it's okay I'm not going to hurt you, I love you" I say waiting for her to stop crying. " STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER" she screams. I can't help it but it actually made me tear up a little knowing that she figured out who I truly was. A monster a abomination. " I can't let her find out like this, I can't let this happen" I say to myself walking over to ladaisia. I grab her & look into her eyes. God I hate to do this to her but I have to. " you will remember none of this, you will not remember what you seen me as today, you will only remember that we talked & it was epic and you was going to text me when you get home" I said compelling her. " I will remember nothing of today but us talking and that I am going to text you when I get home " she repeated confirming the compelling worked. I left using my vampire speed leaving ladaisia by herself once again.

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