Stefans too close

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It has been a couple months since I've seen Stefan. I was packing my stuff because it was my month to go & visit him. I said my goodbyes to my daughter & to my fiancé. After hours of driving I finally arrived at the Salvatore house. I left my things in the car and ran in. I seen Stefan in the kitchen making him a sandwich. I flashed in the kitchen grabbing him from behind. He turned around & when he realized it was me he gave me a big hug. "I've missed you" he said still hugging me. "I've missed you too" I said sending him a quick smile. I told stefan all about how I met Kol & marcel. I told him how klaus would always be arguing with Kol because Kol would always be flirting with me. Stefan told me how he was feeling much better because last time I had seen him he was a mess because the break up. After we was finished with our conversation we decided to get on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" Stefan said looking at me. "It don't matter" I said. After 10 minutes of searching we decided to watch (the interview) because I told him about how the Chinese was going to declare war on us if it was let out in theater. When the movie started I was sitting in the floor because the couch they had was small & stefan was up there. "You can come up here with me" he said slapping his hand on his chest. "It's okay" I said turning towards the TV. "It's not a crime" he said with a little smile. "Fine" I said standing up. I got on the couch & laid my head on his chest. He threw the covers over us so we wouldn't be cold & then he wrapped his hands around me. When he touched me I felt this amazing spark. & it wouldn't go away. We was about halfway in the movie until stefan pressed pause. "Ladaisia" he said looking at me. I lifted my head up off his chest so I could see his face. He was just staring at me. Then he crashed his lips into mine. A million butterflies was going threw my body right now. I don't know why but I kissed him back. He looked at me a little surprised. He started kissing my neck & then he started to take my shirt off. I pushed him off. "Stefan klaus will kill you" I said rubbing my neck. "I'm sorry but I have to go home" I told him. I grabbed my things & left without even saying goodbye to him. I was tired as hell because I had just arrived here only hours earlier. When I started the car j was fixing to start driving off but stopped when stefan ran outside. "I don't care I can't deny my feelings anymore" Stefan said grabbing me out the car. He flashed me into his bedroom and threw me on the bed. He started kissing me & I kissed back. He took my shirt off & then my bra. He took 3 seconds to admire my body but then got right back to undressing me. After I was all naked. He let me undress him. He came back down to me & he started to kiss my breast. Right when I was about to moan we was interrupted. " hey stefan have you see lada--" klaus said walking in but stopped before he finished because he seen me & stefan. "WHAT THE HELL" klaus said ripping STEFANS heart out. Before klaus came over to me I had already put my clothes back on. "THIS IS WHY YOU ALWAYS COME DOWN HERE?" He yelled pointing at stefans dead body. "I LOVED YOU" he screamed wrapping his hands around my throat so I couldn't breathe. "Let mommy go" Nikolina said walking in. "Evedes tribum " I chanted the spell that would snap klaus's neck. When I was finished klaus fell down to the floor. "Mommy what's daddy doing" Nikolina asked looking at klaus. "He's taking a little nap" I said. I took Nikolina to the living room and told her to sit there. I flashed back into my bedroom & ran over to stefan. I grabbed his heart and put it back in where klaus had ripped it out. I held my hands out over his chest. "Victas Phesmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phesmatis Ut Victas. Victas Phesmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phesmatis Ut Victas" I chanted. I knew the spell worked when stefans wound started heeling. Although it would take him a while to wake up. I picked stefan & klaus up. I remembered since I was powerful I could make them forget. You know how a vampire compels? Well yeah like that but my power is much more better. I put my hands on there forehead. "Phasmotus Tribum, Invocia Cavea, Misero Mundi" I chanted another spell before talking. "Klaus the only thing you will remember is I came down to visit stefan , but never returned because I was killed by a hunter, you'll remember that stefan called you and told you, you'll remember that you came down here to see if it was true, you'll remember that you seen my dead body lying on the floor, you will remember that I will not be coming back, you will not remember what you seen earlier. You will not remember that you killed stefan" I said before turning over to stefan. "Stefan you will remember that I came down to visit you, you'll remember that we watched a movie, you'll remember in the middle of the movie that I got up to get some fresh air, but while I was out there a hunter killed me. You'll remember calling klaus and telling him about everything, but you will not Remember what we did today, you will not remember that you ever had feelings for me, you will not remember remember that klaus killed you." I said getting up off the bed. I looked at the both of them and I let one tear out. I walked out the door and walked towards my daughter. "God this is horrible, you will not remember seeing me here today, you will not remember your dad putting his hands on my throat, you will remember that every night at 10 you are to come outside & see me. You will remember that I am still alive , but you will remember that you aren't supposed to tell anybody, unless I tell you to." I said kissing her forehead. I flashed out the house leaving her there by herself.

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