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And..... I remembered walking in the church & seeing klaus rip a innocents man heart out. I remember him telling me to stop crying that he wasn't going to hurt me, and then I remember I told him to stay away from me. Then he said no I can't let her find out like this. I remembered he used some kind of inhuman speed to come over to me. I remembered him grabbing my face & looking in my eyes telling me I wouldn't remember anything I seen today I wouldn't remember how I seen him the only thing I would remember is that we talked and it was epic & I was supposed to text him when I got home. Then I remember him leaving in the inhuman speed again before leaving me alone. When all the memories came back to me I started crying. My eyes was all watery. I couldn't see I had so many tears in my eyes that my vision was blurry. Everybody kept talking to me but I couldn't hear them because I was blockin the whole world out at this time. The only thing that was on my mind was klaus killing a innocent man & compelling me to forget things & leaving with some woman in his arms. Now I would've been good with the whole vampire originals werewolf thingy because the thought of it just fascinates me, but him using his abilities on me to make me forget how he killed somebody for no reason. That was just a betrayal. I ain't mad because he didn't tell me, but my heart is broken because he didn't even try to explain himself, he used his powers to make me forget against my will. Finally everybody just said it was time to go home . I guess they got tired of me crying. Stefan dropped me off and said " I'll be back home soon i have to drop bonnie off then Imma stay with elena for a while, I don't know if Damon is home so be safe" adding a wave at the end of his sentence. I waved back and added a smile before he drove off. I got my keys out and unlocked the door. When I got inside I seen damon was nowhere to be found. I was actually hoping he would be there so he could comfort me. I needed someone. And nobody was there. After realizing I was all alone I ran into my room locking the door and running to my bed. I climbed under the covers and started crying. By now I had been crying for hours & still nobody was home no damon & no stefan. I heard something ringing and I realized it was coming from my purse so I grabbed my purse and picked up the ringing noise witch was coming from my phone. The phone said " call from klaus" I stared at the phone for a couple seconds before pressing he decline button. I laid my phone down on my dresser only for it to ring again 1 minuet later. I picked it up this time the screen said " text message from klaus" I hesitated to open for about 30 seconds but I ended up opening it. " hey i never got my text sweetheart " the text said. That was all he had to say? I said to myself in my head. "I don't ever want to see your face again, you lied to me and compelled me to forget things & I don't fucking appreciate it." I said typing the words aggressively. I then read he message before pressing send. I watched my phone until it said " READ " which that means he read the message. After that I was satisfied and locked my phone closing my eyes. My phone started ringing. I looked at the screen " call from klaus " it said about 8 times and every time I pressed decline. After pressing decline for the 8th time I heard the door open. I just thought it was damon coming in or stefan finally come back home. Then out of nowhere my door bust down & then klaus pops up where my door used to stand. "WHAT HAVE THEY TOLD YOU" he yelled giving me that I'm serious face. "They told me about all the supernatural shit in the town and they told me all shout your secret but that's not why I'm mad and upset with you I would've been okay with that" I said with a tear coming down my face. "THEN WHAT IS IT LOVE?" He said trying to be sweet but still yelling. "That called bonnie and got her to do her witchy voodoo shit to see if I was ever compelled for my own safety & I got the memory of you killing a innocent man & you taking my memories away from me without asking & then you left with some lady and left me alone in the church making me feel like I was going crazy because j didn't remember going there" I said to him still crying. " That lady was my sister & that man was not at all innocent he kidnapped my sister and called me telling me she was going to be dead by the evening that's the call j got when I was talking to you that's why I was so upset & I killed him because he tried to kill me before you walked in but I heard him & also he tortured my sister, even though I argue with my family & i betray them I still love them & I will always protect them. Family is power and they are my family" he said to me with a serious but sadden voice. "But you didn't even try to explain to me why it all happened or who she was you just took my memories away without asking me" I screamed but not loud. " my love I tried to explain you called me a monster & told me to stay away from you I couldn't let you find out like that so I had to take your memories please forgive me I'm so sorry you had to see it but he wasn't innocent & I would never hurt you" he said with a tear coming down his face. I started thinking to myself about how I really didn't give him time to explain. "Niklaus I am so sorry about all of this, I should've let you explain because now I feel stupid and I'm pretty sure you hate me for calling you a monster and ignoring you" I said feeling so worthless. "Look at me! I will never hate you my love, you are my sweetheart and you will always be your not stupid your far from it, your bright and beautiful & full of light and that's why my queen I'm in love with you, there I said it" he said with a smirk on his face. " I'm so sorry niklaus" I said before pulling him into a hug. " now my love lets go wash them tears off your face" he said taking me into the bathroom. He then grabbed a rag and started to press it against my face washing the wet salted water off my face. He made me feel so perfect. Like I was the only girl in his world. "Well Mr.Mikaelson i think there is some other stuff I would like you to wash for me" I said in a sexual voice. " You know when you call me that it turns me on& what do you have in mind?" He asked biting his lip. "I know, I meant for it to turn you own & I was thinking maybe we could take a shower" I said biting my lip this time. "Okay do you want me to come back later when you get out?" He asked putting his fingers through his hair. "No, No I mean us together in the shower" I said trying to make it more obvious for him. "Oh" he said before shutting the door & locking it. He then looked at me and shot me a quick wink before getting naked.

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