The babies help

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We had been driving for only about 8 hours. We pulled up to a big house. It looked like a mansion. When I tried to get out the car I almost fell. So klaus came over and helped me. He held me in his arms and took me inside his castle. "Your house is huge" I said amazed by the beauty of the inside. "And who is this wanker?" A young woman said walking from the kitchen. She had bright blonde hair, so blonde that it looked s little white, she had nice white pearly skin, it was flawless, and her hair fell straight to her shoulders, she had broad shoulders & her eyes was a beautiful blue, and she had a Australia mixed with British accent. She was gorgeous❤️ "rebekah this is my sweetheart Ladaisia & do not call her that or I'll out the dagger bake in your heart" klaus said with a devilish smile. " well we all know I don't want that to happen, and speaking of the daggers, I can't find the white oak steak it's gone I've looked everywhere" rebekah said with a worried expression.
" oh sister I haven't told you yet, well our noble tried to kill me with that exact same steak your talking about, but he's not going to come again I made sure of it" klaus said with a little chuckle. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM NIK?" Rebekah yelled with tears coming down her eyes. "Don't worry little sister he is just relaxing in the mystic falls tomb" klaus said touching her back. "You left him in mystic falls without any food" Rebekah said grabbing her coat. "Where do you think your going?" Klaus yelled jerking her. "Klaus she's a lady don't touch her like that" I said trying to get him to let go. "I'm sorry Rebekah I just need to talk to you about something then you can book a flight or something to mystic falls " he said before letting her go. She told him that he had 3 minutes and then she was going to get elijah. Klaus told her everything that bonnie had told us about the whole wolf + human+ death+elena blood= hybrid mixed baby. "YOU GOT THE BUMSY PREGNANT NIK!" She yelled not wanting to look at him. " I didnt know we could procreate" he said looking a little embarrassed. " I'm not mad that she's pregnant, it just that baby is going to be haunted, that poor woman is going to be haunted, do you know how many enemies our family has?they will die at the hands of one of your enemies" she said with a tear coming down her face. Hold up what? My baby is going to what? I thought to myself. Ring!ring! Our conversation was interrupted by klaus's phone ringing. "Who is this interrupting my bloody conversation?" Klaus asked the person on the other end. I started using my vampire super hearing power so I could listen to the conversation. "Brother, it's elijah please forgive me it's seems I was in a trance, see our mother jumped into somebody's body, she then contacted me and said she wanted to meet up for dinner, she gave me some kind of soup & then I don't remember anything else from there on" his brother elijah said hoping for his brothers forgiveness. "Well brother Me & Rebekah will be on our way to get you out that tomb once I finish with this situation over here" klaus said talking to elijah. "What situation? And where are you at?" Elijah asked klaus waiting for the answers. "I'll tell you when we get to mystic falls & were in New Orleans." Klaus said hanging up the phone. "Sorry my love but it seems that we have to go back to mystic falls, would you like to stop by anywhere?" Klaus asked hoping I wouldn't get mad. "It's okay , and actually my cousin Reagan lives down here, she's like my closest relative & I would like it if she could come to mystic falls with us?!" I asked him with a sweet voice. "Of course we can" klaus said giving me a hug. We all went and got our things ready to go before packing it in the car and leaving the house. I grabbed my phone so I could call my cousin to tell her she was going to be staying with me for a while & to also tell her I was preggers. When I finally found my phone I dialed in her number. When I called her it said "calling bigBooty🍑" and they said it really loud. "Umm you better be calling an imaginary me if that's a man" klaus said giving me that devilish smirk. "Don't worry it's my cousin reagan" I said giving him a smile. "Why is that her name?" He said looking at my phone. "It's long story" I said waving my hand. "I've got time" he said giving me handsome smile. " we'll she sent me this picture in snapchat and her ass was on the sink & it made her ass look much bigger than it did & she said she had a big booty, so that's why it's her name in my " I said laughing. "Well nice story" he said chuckling a little. "Hello, who's this?" Reagan said answering the phone. " oh hey bigBooty it's Ladaisia and I'm in New Orleans & I need you to come to mystic falls with me for a while & I have something to tell you" I said being mysterious. "What do you have to tell me" she said anxious to know what my secret was. "You'll just have to see when I get there" I said looking at my belly bump which wasn't that big but big enough to know I'm preggers. I hung up the phone to tell klaus where she lived. "424 harding drive/ New Orleans " I said. It was only 10 minutes later when we pulled up to her house. Klaus picked me up out the car and helped me the rest of the way to the door. He knocked for me because I didn't feel that well. Knock! Knock! I heard when klaus was banging on her door. She finally came and answered. "LADAISIA" she screamed trying to jump in my arms but klaus pushed her back. "Hey what was that for? And who are you? Wait are you the one and only niklaus?" She said giving him a frown but then a smile. " yes I am niklaus, why does she talk about me a lot?" He asked giving me a smirk & I think Ladaisia wants to tell you why I did that" he said looking at my stomach. "Why yes when we do talk she always says something about you, and what is it ?" She said answering my question but then asking Ladaisia another one. When Reagan started looking at me i pulled my shirt up exposing my small baby bump. "OH MY GOD" she said touching my stomach. "Well anyways are you ready to go , your going to be helping me with the baby while klaus is gone" I said about to pass out because it was hot. "I'm ready to go" she said still staring at my stomach. She grabbed her stuff and jumped in the car where her and rebekah made their hellos & then we drove off. I put my hand on top of klaus hand interwinding our fingers and then I fell asleep listening to the song (National Anthem) by Lana Del Ray.

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