Sired to you

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After asking stefan where damon was I went downstairs. I the smell of blood to a room with a mini fridge. I opened it and discovered millions of blood bags. I started drinking them. And I went to pick up another one until I was interrupted. "Ladaisia?" Damon said walking in the room. "Just the man I was looking for, guess what? I said sounding like a teenage school girl. "What?" He asked "I have no panties" I said with a chuckle. "I'm not worried about that, why are you drinking blood? Are you a vampire?" He asked a little bit worried. "Well damon I am worried about that because Ms.Patrova said that is what I have to do & yes I am a vampire she gave me her blood and then killed me" I said a little surprised by how calm I was. "Who the hell is Ms.Patrova?wait!KATHERINE" he yelled throwing the blood bag he had in his hand. "Oh so you do know each other?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Yes we was old friends" he said. "Let's go to your bedroom and have some fun" I said grabbing his hand. I led him up to his room & threw him on the bed. I took all his clothes off then I took my own off. I climbed on top of him and started kissing him. He started kissing me back. I started to give him wet kisses all down his body. Then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my back. I started getting all noxious and losing my sight like I was passing out. "VERVAN" I said with a scratchy voice.
Then all my vision black. I guess it had been hours that I was passed out and I woke up in some kind of cell thingy in the Salvatore's basement. I was chained up so I couldn't move. I started yelling until finally somebody or should I say everybody came down there. "Who did his to you love?" Klaus said with a tear coming down his face. I looked at him and didn't answer. "She tried to have sex and then i injected her with vervan with me she said Katherine was the one who kidnapped her & Katherine fed her blood then snapped her neck." Damon said to klaus. I gave damon a quick wink before he left the room. Then I started to rub my leg & touch my lips. "He was so good klaus you don't even know" I said adding a smile at the end. He just looked at me and then i seen more tears go down his face. "Okay so we have to know exactly what Katherine told you after you were turned" bonnie said while walking in. "Well I don't think Ms.Patrova wants me to" I said adding a smirk at the end. "Well since you won't tell I'll have to force you to" she said with a angry look. After she said that she lifted her hand up. I started feeling this pain in my head. I started screaming. She started chanting and then I felt like I was being burnt with vervan. My skin was melting and my head was aching. "Klaus please help me I love you" I said knowing I was lying but hoping he would come. "I can't watch her like this leave her be" klaus said getting up walking toward bonnie. "Well then don't watch she's just saying anything so that you'll help her, but she's lying " bonnie said to klaus who sat back down. "I'm going to kill you, you monster" I said yelling at klaus. He looked at me with frown then turned around so he couldn't see me. Bonnie had been doing the head ache thing to me for hours now. I was getting tired of it so I started telling her. "Katherine told me i would have to do everything she told me to because I was sired to her" I said talking to bonnie. "In order to break the sired bond you have to do the first task she gave you over and over again & then it'll go away . " she said to me. "So what's the first task sweetheart" klaus said looking at me. "She told me I had to fuck damon and make sure you knew" I said smiling. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I love klaus. How could I say this type of stuff to him? " klaus your going to have to watch her do that with damon over and over again" Bonnie said taking to klaus.
" I can do it because I love her" he said. When I heard him say that I started laughing. "I don't love you" I said looking at klaus who was now drowning in his tears. They took me into the living room and told everybody the plan. I wasn't really paying attention I just kept staring at damon who looked really hot right now. I wasn't chained up anymore so I got up and sat on Damon's lap. When i felt him wrap his arms around me I felt a million sparks shoot threw my body. I whispered in his ear telling him how his touch turned me on. So he started rubbing my legs. "DONT TOUCH HER LIKE THAT" klaus yelled looking at Damon's hand on my leg. " buddy if you can't handle this then you defiantly can't handle me fucking her over & over again." Damon said to klaus causing me to chuckle. When they all finished talking about the plan they put me in some sexy lingerie that klaus had bought for me for when we did role play & they put oil all over damon. They led us into the room where i had recently had sex with klaus in. They put us in the room & then they brought a chair so Klaus could sit down and watch until the bond was broke. Once we was all set, everybody but me, klaus, and damon left closing the door behind them.

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