The Dark Haired Stalker

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As I finished rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, I twist the knob on the tub causing the water to turn off. I slung open the curtains remembering I forgot to leave the door open so the room was going to be foggy. As I started to reach for my toel, i couldn't find it so I just got out. I moved in front of the mirror starting to admire myself naked. I tend to do that a lot. I stop when I notice a voice in my ear. " you have a nice body cutie" the voice says. I turn around to see damon standing there stalking my body. I scream runing out of the bathroom into my bedroom and slamming the door. I turn around to lock it and I notice Elena and Stefan having a serious yet sad conversation. I pay no attention and close and lock the door. I sit down to calm my heart rate. Then when it's calm I got up to put the clothes Elena laid out for me on. After I put the clothes on i admired myself in the mirror once again to only be interrupted by a knock at my door. I open my door to see Elena standing there with her hand in the air positioned to knock again. She looks at me and says " Are you ready? Let's go". As she is leading me out the bedroom to the front door I ask her if damon is going to be riding with us and surely enough she said yes. As I get in the backseat of the car I notice damon and Jeremy is on both sides of me. Damon says " well hello ladaisia nice seeing you dressed " I gave him a look that actually kind of spooked him a little. Then I turned my head to see Elena staring at me. " what?" I asked wondering why in the hell she was staring at me. " who was that dream about please tell me" she asked touching my hand. " Lol it wasn't bad but before I came down here last night I stopped at the grill up the street & I met a guy there" I said exited to tell the story. " WHAT WAS HIS NAME?" She said with her eyes lighting up like fireworks. " his name was Niklaus" I said. Suddenly her eyes that was once lightening up like fireworks was now dark and filled with worry and hatred. I noticed that everyone in the car was now watching me , watching my every move. " You are not to see him no more he is bad news" Elena says demanding me again. " I will see him when I like you are not my mother you will not demand me" I said furiously. " He is a beast he is dangerous AND YOU WILL NOT SEE HIM ANYMORE AND NO I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER BECAUSE YOUR REAL ONE IS DEAD AND THE OTHER ONE DIDNT WANT YOU" Elena said this time louder than last time but still with the sweet voice she always used. " Oh really, maybe he's not the beast perhaps you are" I said as I opened the door and got out running away. I start walking, I don't know where to but I know I needed time to calm down.

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