The emotional killer

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After klaus leaves I pick up my phone and when I got to click on my contacts I hear something smash against the wall like glass shattering in Damon's room. Even though I was trying to ignore him I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to him. After hearing the commotion I ran to his room only to see damon not harmed physically but he was harmed emotionally. " damon what's wrong" I said walking towards him. The closer I get the more I notice these little things sticking out his arm & little shavings over his face and his chest. Finally I realized the little things sticking out his arms was a broken wooden steak he had broke against the wall causing a glass vase to fall down. He then picked the small pieces up stabbing them into his arms. When I got closer I could smell what the shavings were & I could see that his chest & his face looked like he had washed off with acid. " VERVAN " I screamed at myself. Knowing that he i hurting himself because what he had heard. How could I do this to him? I am so cruel! He don't deserve this! I grab damon with the little strength that I have and pulled him to the bathroom putting him in the bathtub. I start pulling the wood out of his skin slowly at first but then fast so the pain don't last long. When I get done I take a wash rag and start washing his face & his chest hoping to get the vervain off. I take him out drying him off then put his pajamas on. When he's fully dressed I laid him in bed, placing a kiss on his wet & moist lips. I start to walk away but stop when I hear him say "Ladaisia?" In a painful voice. "Yes love?" I say back wanting to be as sweet as possible. " will you stay with me?" He ask hoping I would say yes. Surprisingly I said " yes I would love to". I jump in the bed then I climb under the covers cuddling up with him. He starts to smile when he feels my hands touch his body. When I finally rest my hand on his chest, he takes his hand & places it right on top of mine only. Seconds later he intertwined his fingers with mine causing a spark to shoot through my stomach. I start breathing hard. He then notices and leans over to kiss me. I jump up running to the living room where Jeremy, Elena, and Stefan was sitting on the couch startled by the way I ran in. Damon suddenly appears and he grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him, finally he kissed me & I felt a million butterflies shoot out of my stomach. Although I kinda like it I pulled back & smacked him. " damon I will never be with you it's not going to happen I love klaus" I say trying to calm myself down. "Hey is everything alright?" Jeremy says looking at me then looking at damon. "Yes everything's find Jer. " I said answering his question. " you no what no everything's not okay, I love you and you don't feel the same way because you think I'm a monster & I can't change so you know what?" He said in a angry voice. "What?" I say frightened at what would happen next. " I will be that monster you see me as" he says while using his speed I've never seen before to get over there to Jeremy. Damon looked at me then he smiled and said " this is your fault" after that line he snapped Jeremy's neck causing Jeremy to die instantly. Me & Jeremy was like family even though we wasn't kin, because I'm related to elena by our mom & she was adopted by Jeremy's parents so yeah. I dropped down to my knees feeling my tears start to role down my face. I see elena yelling at damon and she's running over there to Jeremy trying to comfort him. Everybody was yelling & crying but I was blocking it all out. I seen damon walking towards me & he said " don't worry sexy mama he's wearing his ring" he added a wink at the end. What the fuck does a ring have to with him dying? It's not going to bring him back! Wtf did that mean damon? I looked over a Jer and notices elena picked up his hand & looked at the ring he was wearing & when she seen it she calmed down. I didn't understand! What's the ring going to do? All of a sudden Jeremy woke up and took a huge gasp of breathe. "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? He was dead but now he's & he is here & UGGFHH I WANT TO KNOW" I shouted furiously at elena & Jeremy. " I think it's time for her to know she's only going to be in more danger if we don't tell her" stefan said standing behind me. I didn't even remember him coming back in here because he left to go deal with damon. " KNOW ABOUT WHAT ELENA?" I screamed getting a little irritated. " maybe we could go somewhere so me & stefan could explain to you everything that's going on" elena said standing up after she brushed her knees off. " I think we should go to the cemetery" stefan said with a serious expression on his face. " okay let's go I said" grabbing my coat off the couch & walking out the door.

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