The 87th time/klaus point of view

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Once everybody left the room Ladaisia looked at me and gave me a quick wink before turning back to damon. She started kissing him & then he started to grab her ass witch made her moan repeatedly. He kissed her breast and I started crying. By now this has probably been going on for hours. I walked over to bonnie. "THIS IS NOT WORKING SHES DONE THIS OVER AND OVER 87 TIMES" i yelled with my throat on Bonnie's neck. "I found out that that's not going to work, we have to kill Katherine" Bonnie said with a scratchy voice. I let go of her throat letting her down. "So you made me sit there and go through hell 87 times?" I said wanting to rip her heart out then and there. "I'm sorry I just found out" she said with a sadden voice. I gave bonnie a necklace that once belonged to Katherine & then I gave her a cup full of Stefans blood because she's in love with him. Bonnie started chanting and the blood started moving and the necklace started shaking. " I see her! She's in the tomb" Bonnie said. " let's go kill her" I said walking away from her. " klaus wait, the tomb is where no vampire can leave so if you go in then you can't get out." Bonnie said giving me a serious expression. " I don't care I love Ladaisia" I said walking out the door & slamming it. When I finally arrived I ran i the tomb and found Katherine sitting there acting all normal. "KATHERINE why did you do this?" I said yelling but then calming down. "See I told you he would come elijah" she said smiling at somebody behind me. "Hello brother" my brother elijah said before trying to stab me with the white oak steak. We started to fight and he had an advantage and knocked me down. He grabbed the steak and held it above my heart. Then all of sudden his neck snapped. I looked & seen bonnie chanting and doing her voodoo shit. I have to admit I love her, not like that but she's always there when i need something & never tricks me. "Hurry he won't be out for long & I can't hold this spell up either" she said with blood coming down her nose. I ran over to Katherine and jerked her heart out of her back & then I burned her body. I ran out the tomb just in time because as soon as I got out bonnie passed at. I picked her up and gave her my blood then I flashed off with her. I dropped her off at her house, but I didn't want to just leave her there so I went in the house with her. I laid her down in her bed and covered her up. " you don't know how big of a help you've been" I whispered in her ear and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. I started to walk off but then I heard her talk. "Your not so bad klaus" she said but then passes back out. I smiled at the compliment and left.

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