The First Time With You

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I wake up in some church. What am I doing here? I thought to myself confused. I began getting these images of me & klaus taking. It was a epic conversation & that's all I remember. I hear my stomach growling. I guess that means I need to go home now I say under my breath. I had been walking for hours because my house was miles away. When I finally seen my house I started running towards it. While I was running in the street this car was coming towards me really fast I didn't have time to move. I was frightened. Suddenly I get grabbed and knocked down by someone. Trying to catch my balance I see that it's klaus. " Was you trying to get yourself killed sweetheart?" He says a little scared & also frightened. " oh my lord I'm so glad your here klaus." I say relieved he was there to rescue me. "Well i remembered I was about to text you, but do you just want to come inside?" I say hoping he said yes. " why yes I would love" he says with that British accent. I take his arm and pull him inside. I see damon staring at me, but I slam my door so I could no longer see his face that sickened me but also gave me butterflies sometimes. Klaus & I start to have a conversation about our family and what they think of us. He starts to talk about his father & I gotta tell you his father is a dick. " My father had chased me for so many years it felt like centuries and my own mother hates that she created me." He said with sadness in his voice.  " why did they hate you so much?" I asked with a curious expression on my face. " My father thought I was a worthless bastard, and a abomination, but my mother just couldn't stand that she created a son who was a prick they both hated me everyone hates me" he says with a tear coming down his face. " Niklaus you listen to me! I do not hate you, you are not a abomination. Your a angle, your my angle. A bastard would not of just saved a poor girl in the road. Not everybody hates you , I could never hate you because I'm in love with you" surprised by what I said I was waiting for him to answer. " Your i-i-in love with me" he said stuttering a little. " yes I always will" I say with a serious expression this time. He starts to look in my eyes. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back gently. He rips my shirt off without breaking the kiss. He started to kiss my breast and I couldn't help but moan. He pauses to let me take his shirt off. I admire his abs for 30 sweet seconds. I then took my fingers tracing the 6 pack he had. He started to smile then took his finger lifting my head up to look in his eyes. He takes my pants off while in still tracing his abs. When he is finished I take his pants off. He starts kissing my neck. It felt so good, it felt like I can't even explain it. I was scratching his back while he was still kissing my neck. Finally he came back up to my face and started to kiss me. I could feel his tongue asking to come in. I let it , he then let his tongue search my mouth. It made me feel so good. He started to squeeze my butt causing me to moan & he chuckled because he found both of my week spots in 2 minutes. He picked me up throwing me on the counter opening my legs then throwing them around his waist. He stopped when somebody started to knock at my door. I was furious with whoever this was interrupting me and my sex life. " who's there?" I say disappointed when klaus let go of me. " it's damon I think you need to quite down" he says chuckling. He walks away without saying anything else. Klaus has already put his clothes back own leaving me the only person still naked. He starts to walk towards me. He picks me up and throws me in the bed. Then crawls on top of me. He kisses me softly then whispers in my ear " I love you too sweetheart ". I start to blush & he smiles when he sees my cheeks getting redder at his comment. He gets up then looks at me. " that was amazing , but my sister is looking for me I'm sad to leave but just text me as soon as I walk out this door!" He says commanding me. He opens the door and says " oh and I love you sweetheart" with that comment made he leaves closing the door behind him.

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