The noble brother

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It had been a couple hours before we even arrived at the tomb because I kept passing out & then bonnie needed the right spell. When we finally arrived klaus carried me inside sitting me down when we reached the inside. "Elijah were here" klaus yelled. "Brother, thanks for coming I'm quite tired of seeing my ex lovers body lying dead on the floor" he said with a sophisticated face. " I found it " bonnie said with excitement. She started chanting & then a whole bunch of air starting swirling around. "Come on I can't hold it " Bonnie said hoping he could get out in time. Elijah realized how much time he had and came out. "Excuse my appearance but who might you be?" He asked me dusting his suit off. "well my name is Ladaisia and I'm pretty sure yours is elijah?" I said in a sarcastic voice. "Well brother this can't be your lady she's far too beautiful" elijah said looking at me. "Well think again brother she is beautiful but she is also mine." Klaus said with a frown on his face as if he was mad about the comment elijah made. "Well let's go to the salvatore house we have to talk" klaus said picking me up. When we all was settled in the car klaus drove off. I kept having these hot flashes every time I touched klaus. It was driving me crazy. It had been only a couple minutes until we arrived at the Salvatore house. We walked in and seen there was no couch. " umm where's the couch" I said looking at Stefan. "We'll see Ms reagan and my brother left us a white creamy gift on there after they finished fucking so I threw it out" he said looking disgusting as if he was imagining it over again. "Eww" I thought to myself. After seeing reagan was safe klaus led me, elijah, & rebekah into my room. We all sat down in the bed. Klaus told them the whole story that bonnie had told us. The whole wolf can procreate & the baby already had a heart before it died. & it drunk vampire blood from my system causing it to come back to life as a hybrid & the blood we drunk was elenas. When klaus was finished elijah stood up. He started looking at me with eyes saying he was in love. It was quite fascinating how he came so invested in what was in my stomach. "May I" he asked walking toward me. I shook my head as a symbol of accepting. He bent down on his knees and touch my belly. I didn't know why but a million sparks went through my stomach. Was it his touch or was it the baby? I didn't know I just know i wanted it to stop. I stood up because I wanted to go get some air. I didn't make halfway passes the door before falling to the floor. I wasn't passed out but almost was. Elijah hurried and got to me before klaus could. Klaus looked at him and gave him the look that said " she's mine back off" I felt flattered at how much he cared. Even though I loved my baby bump and I loved carrying it I wish it was gone so I could make love to klaus. "Could you leave us alone for a minute brother?" Elijah asked looking at me. "WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE ALONE WITH MY QUEEN?" Klaus yelled. "Brother please I just want a simple conversation. After elijah said that klaus came over and gave me a kiss & then left the room closing the door. The first few minutes elijah just sat there staring at me as if he was processing what he was going to say when he actually did speak. "How long have you been having these hot flashes?" Elijah asked touching his Chin. "It only happens when I'm around klaus or when he touches me" I said thinking to myself it did sound weird. "Something's wrong , there's some with business or something" he said shaking his head. After elijah finished his sentence klaus busted through the door. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THIS WAS HAPPENING ONLY IN MY PRESENCE." Klaus said yelling at me. "I don't know I didn't think of it like that" I said with tears coming down my face because he's never yelled at me. "Well since its witch business why don't we go fetch ourselves a witch" he said before walking over to me and whispering he was sorry. "Well be back lo--" he said before he stopped taking because I passed out, but this time I wasn't passed out. I mean. I don't know. I could hear them talking but I couldn't talk, I couldn't open my eyes & I couldn't move my body. "Ladaisia are you okay?WAKE UP!" Klaus said getting upset and wanted to know who was behind this. All of a sudden I started having this dream or well I thought it was a dream. I seen this woman she had long dirty blonde hair. She had that older look to her. "I've been waiting Ladaisia" she said looking at me. "Who are you ?" I asked waning answers. " no need to be frightened for I am your babies grandma" she said looking at me. "Are you nikaus's mother?" I asked hoping I would wake up. "Yes, but my names Esther" she said smiling at me so I could see her white straight teeth.

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