The day shes born

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I awoke from my sleep only to find out it was the next day. I got up & walked to the kitchen where stefan was making a sandwich. We exchanged looks before i started making my coffee. I was interrupted when he said something.
"Uhh Ladaisia?!" He said looking at the floor. "WHAT?" I yelled. "I think your pissing yourself" he said with a smirk on his face. "ITS NOT PISS ITS MY WATER YOU DUMB FUCK" I said screaming. How did I not know? I guess I was to distracted by all the noises. "KLAUS" I started yelling waiting for him to come. " he's not here he had to take rebekah somewhere" stefan said. "WELL THEN PICK ME UP AND TAKE ME TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL" I yelled. Stefan ran over to me and picked me up. We didn't have a car so he had to use his vampire speed to get me to the mystic falls hospital. When we finally got there he busted through the doors compelling the nurse to get me help asap. They put me in room 8b. " what's wrong with the patient" they asked while getting situated. "She's giving birth" stefan answers her question for me because I was too weak to answer. " are you father because if not I have to ask you to leave the room" the nurse said. I noticed stefan got a little mad that she asked him that became obviously he didn't want to leave my side. Stefan grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. " I am not the father but you will let me stay" stefan said compelling her. "Oh Nevermind you can stay if you would like" the nurse said before turning back to me. "PUSH" the nurses kept telling me every second of every minute. The only thing keeping me calm was stefan holding my hand to comfort me. When i seen the doors bust open my day got a whole lot better. " I'm so sorry I had to take rebekah to do something" klaus said walking over to me to hold my other hand. ......... I've been in birth for over 4 hours now. It's getting really old. I wish I was strong enough to push this fuckin baby out. I said in my head. Oh wait. I'm a vampire. I said feeling stupid. I pushed for the 100th time and then the baby popped out. I never really got to know if it was a boy or a girl because i was only pregnant for about 4 weeks thinks to bonnie. " it's a girl" the nurse said. They wiped the baby off before handing her to me. "Hello baby girl" I said looking into her eyes. "She's beautiful" klaus said. "May I hold her" he said. He then held his arms out and I handed her over to him. He held her in front of his face. He didn't talk he was just admiring his beautiful baby girl. Klaus compelled the nurse to let me & my baby come home because he thought he could protect us better there. On our way home I was tired so I fell asleep. While I was asleep I heard a voice. Not just any voice. But Esther's voice. She was calling me. "you only have 2 days left" she said so soft it sounding like she was whispering. "NO PLEASE DONT DO THIS" I screamed so loud I guess klaus heard it because he woke me up & said "don't do what love?" I gave him a fake smile and then answered his question. "Nothing... Just a bad dream" I said. When we finally arrived home everybody was asking to see the baby. I overheard reagan telling damon that she wanted one. "What's her name" elena asked looking at klaus
"Nikolina Mikaelson " I said looking over at klaus. "The names beautiful, mah I hold her" everybody kept saying holding their hands up. " I thinks it's best if me & her just go have alone time and then tomorrow yall can I promise" I said waving them a goodnight. "Do you want me to stay tonight?" Klaus asked. "No it's okay come back tomorrow though" I said giving klaus a big kiss. I took my daughter into my room and closed my door. "Hello my baby girl, it's your mother, all my friends thought you were just the cutest thing, they kept asking to hold you, but I said no because I only have 2 days with you my child. I'm gong to be gone & I just wanted you all to myself for one day" I said kissing her forehead. Instead of feeding her milk I had to feed her blood since she was a vampire baby. So I filled her bottle with blood I got from the hospital before I left. By time I sat down I seen Stefan standing in my room. He came in & closed the door. He was standing there staring at me & crying. "What's wrong stefan" I said adjusting nikolina so I could feed her and walk. "Your dying and you didn't tell me" he said crying. I felt his pain. If he was dying and he didn't tell me I would feel the same way. Me & stefan developed a close relationship while my stay here because he was the only one who didn't call me " sexy mama" he was polite. I told him my problems. He was there for the birth of my daughter. "I'm so sorry stefan Esther only gave me so long to live and I didn't want my last days going bezerk" I said crying. He didn't answer but just stood there staring into space still crying. He started walking towards me and he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug & then he kissed my forehead. "I'm going to miss you" he said with the best fake smile I've ever seen. "Don't tell nobody my last day is tomorrow and I don't know what time" I told him hoping he would accept my request. He shook his head as a symbol of saying yes he wouldn't tell. He gave nikolina a kiss & walked out. When stefan left I put my baby to sleep & then I put myself to sleep. I woke up the next day around 12pm. I was acting like it was a normal day. I grabbed my baby girl and went downstairs before everybody woke up so I could write them all letters before my death. I laid her down in her crib & started writing. When I was finished I gave them to stefan who was now up & I told him not to read them till my death. When everybody was awake I grabbed my Nikolina our her crib and I was saying my goodbyes to her. We was all in the living room watching tv. Well I was watching tv and they was watching me and my baby. "Can i hold her now" reagan asked. " I think klaus might want to see her" I said looking over at him. "It's fine she hasn't got to hold her yet" he said shaking his head. I looked down at my baby girl so I could see her beautiful face before I left "Well it's time to g--" I said but didn't get to finish because I started coughing up blood. It kept pouring out & it wouldn't stop. My head started feeling like a thousand hammers was hitting it. My heart felt like a steak was going through it. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Klaus asked yelling me. I couldn't really get any words out but I tried my best to get these last three. "I love you" I said with a scratchy voice taking to klaus. All of the sudden I was standing in front of bonnie. "Where am I " I asked feeling confused. "Your on the other side & you have to touch me to come trough" she said with tears coming down her face. "I'm going to miss you" she said before she made me touch her. When I touched her I was took to this universe. I felt like I was by myself but I wasn't because bonnie said there were others but we can't see each other. She also told me about how the other side was messing up and she could figure out a spell to bring me back. She also told me that I could talk, see, and touch Jeremy and he could do the same to me. And since the other side was messing up I could contact my family.

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