Her 4th birthday Part 1

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It had been over 4 years that I had been stuck on the other side. It wasn't that bad because I had company. & also because I'm witch now, a pretty powerful one though. Esther said if she didn't exist that I would be the most powerful witch in the world. I've been getting pretty good at the spells and what not. I have been checking upon my family and friends once in a while. Klaus talks to me every night. He always ask when am I coming back. I never really had an answer, but I do now. It's my daughters 4th birthday and I'm going to be there. I'm coming home today. Ether said I was strong enough. I flashed myself over to the Salvatore house because that is where klaus & nikolina has been staying since I'm trapped in mystic falls. I walked inside the house & said hello to Jeremy. "She's here" jeremy said smiling at me. I've been busting frequently it's kinda like I'm there but I'm not at the same time. " hey sweetheart" klaus said smiling every direction hoping I would see him. I seen nikolina run in the living room. I held my arms out but she ran right past me. "Oh I forgot she can't see me anymore since she's older, I miss them days" I said looking at Jeremy. "Jer?" I said. "Yes Ladaisia" he asked. "Don't tell nobody but I'm coming home today" I said really excited. "THATS GREAT" Jeremy said overly to loud. "What's great?" Klaus asked knowing something was going on. After I told Jeremy my little plan I left to go back to the graveyard. I had some of my blood, the babies blood, and a rock. I know that's weird but it's required for the spell. I started chanting the words I seen in the grimier. "Phasmotus tribum, salve sorce des, Phasmotus Eliximo, Nominum, Etrinox sorce Sotero callux oxtara" i chanted these words over and over again until the blood i outed on the rock was now being sucking into the rock. When the rock was finished. I woke up. I was somewhere. I didn't know where but I couldn't get out. Like I was in a coffin with a lock. I remembered there was this spell where I could send a message to whoever I was thinking about. "Prend Ce Message Ce Au Le Centre Se Levent" I chanted wondering who the note was going to.


I was walking into the kitchen when I seen a piece of crumbled up piece of paper on the table. I was fixing to throw it away but something told me not to. I opened up the crumbled paper right before me. "I'm back I just don't know where I am I'm locked in something by the way it's Ladaisia " the note said. My eyes widened. I ran to Ladaisia's room and asking klaus where he put her body. He told me its at the Mystic falls cemetery right behind her real moms grave. He asked my why I wanted to know but I didn't have enough time to explain. I used my speed to go over there. When I arrived I grabbed a shovel that I found lying beside a grave that was not yet finished. When I found her grave I opened it revealing her dark brown eyes staring at me. I helped her get to her feet and then I dusted myself off.
"WOW? I was thinking about you?" She said in amazement. "What the hell does that mean?" He asked giving me the biggest smile I've ever seen him give. "I'm a witch now, that's how I sent you that note, but the spell said that the note would go to who I was thinking about. & it went to you" I said feeling a little bit awkward. He just looked at me smiling. Then he walked towards me and gave me a huge hug. Then he started asking questions. "How are you here if you ain't a vampire?" He asked. "I am a vampire & I am a witch. The first of my kind. Esther created me, besides Esther I'm the most powerful witch." She said to me smiling. God how much I missed that smile. It always gave me sparks. "I think your daughter is waiting for you " stefan said grabbing my hand taking me home.

The Beast Within My SheetsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora