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(Rune's Point Of view)

Ugh I'm so tiered no more late night movie marathons for me besides I have my latest novel to finish. Flashback to last night ... Yeah they have a new underverse episode for season one! And then ZZZ... oh man I fell asleep I missed the hole season man (╥﹏╥)no my noodles they are now to soggy to eat . (Cue the sad dramatic music) and so that was how my night went . End of flashback. Knock! Knock ! First of all why would anyone be bugging me like no one here even knows me and second I'ma not answering that door for now I have a book to finish. Bang! Bang! Slam! Crash ! Suddenly I felt a horrible pain in my head as someone or something slams something heavy and hard over my head my vision is beginning to fade to black and red my head hurts so bad my body begins to shut down my thoughts are slurred and I can't think straight what is happening to me I feel so heavy I can't move then I saw who it was how could she my own ... haha its funny how I looked forward to meeting them for forever to think that person who I always hoped would save me from my horrible childhood would do this to me welp I hope that what they killed me for is worth it gasp I can't I ... I...I.... Suddenly everything is white and I'm not sure but I think that there is something here with me and it said , "You pore kid I can't believe you're still alive well your soul is at least heh your lucky you have such a Determination to live oh would you look at this you aren't on my list how strange welp kiddo you still have a chance but you can't live in your old life anymore. But you do have the chance at a new one you will still have your old life's memories but you will have a lifetime of experiences to add to it .Welp good luck kid with your new world or should I say  welcome to the multiverse and it's Au's heh".

(??? Point Of view)
So as always I'm doing my job of Reaping souls when I come across a soul that's not on my list. Woe who would do that to someone so young and a girl no less welp they don't have a body to go back to but I know someone else who can make a body the creator of AUs but then again I can always send that soul into a body that has just died in child birth I'm sure that she( that would be Life the Toriel of Reapertale) would help me with this since the human soul that won't die no mater how many times I tried to reap it it just stays the same and is in need of a body ... Time skip ........
Then I found just the right body for the human girl and said You pore kid I can't believe you're still alive well your soul is at least heh Time Skip because the author is lazy .
I finally put the kiddo's soul into that random body that Ink forgot to put a soul into the code for. I just hope the Error never finds out or that kid might be seen as a glitch and I know from some of his victims just how he treats them and let's just say it's not good . Anyway the kiddo is about to be reborn into the new body I wonder how much of their old world they will remember.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now