chapter 19 Rune's Strange Dreams and what is going on

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(Rune's Point Of View)
Once more I find myself asleep but this dream is a bit different than the last I'm running and running and running through a corridor I'm running from something in the shadows when a voice I haven't heard before starts to speak

"You can run all you like but you'll never hide forever.

Now I decide to keep running I seem frightened why am I frightened even I have no clue I keep running I run through the corridor to the left but it's like a never-ending loop no matter how far I run no matter how many times I run I always end up back to the center but I keep running there's got to be a way out of here I think to myself why am I thinking this what am I running from I decided to do something I've never done before in one of my dreams I've decided to go the opposite direction but as soon as I did that the world faded's black everything around me is gone I hear a shrieking sound like the sound of many being tormented I decide to stare my enemy down I say it pretty classic line he thinks I'm turning around he thinks I'm giving up but instead I stick my tongue out hold my eyelid down and say get dunked on you megalomaniac the voice simply seems to laugh after that.

But then I sprint around and lose my pursuer when a shadowde out figure in a purple coat grab my hand and took me away he said that I was safe then that they couldn't get me there are lots of other shadows all of them seems somehow familiar and yet it's different at the same time and then it hit me I remember reading something in my book about different multiverses having the same appearances but something different to their personalities perhaps in this dream I'm in another Multiverse somewhere else if that's the case but then my dream changes but we cannot see their faces I can see certain expressions the one in the purple coat he's smiling he says it's time for me to go but go to where in any points is that a portal it's different than any of the portals that I've made with Papa or anyone else for that matter does it mean that they will be my form of travel to different worlds does this mean someday I will have to leave this place behind again I'm running but I'm also crying I can't bear to leave them it seems they were my friends or they're going to become my friends just as I step through the portal that voice returns a figure in Black and is that yellow?

Either way they seem to be glaring in the direction of the one in purple "you've got in my way for the last time my darling girl !

Then a voice I recognize I hoped I would never hear that voice again or his sickly sweet bubbly voice he doesn't seem to be shadowed out maybe it's because I already know him because of the battle against him he seems to have the same smirk , oh it's you again he says with a smile so you're the one who he's been ordering us to find all day I thought it was one of the monsters who escaped instead it was you well as I told you before I'm more afraid of the boss than I am of you😍😍😍.

oh great I think I figured it out now this is something that will soon happen or something that will happen later just as I run through the portal that thing follows me yes by thing I mean yandere Blue the other follows me all the way through the portal luckily I have my trusty magic pen with me I changed shape to the tool that I need turning into a spear I smack him right in the face he manages to go flying a few yards away from me.

And that's where the dream cuts out suddenly it's changed now I'm in a dark room not the corridor that I was in before it's just a room it's black everything's black but then a powerful beam of energy I recognize this one this is my usual dream something is shot in my direction voices many voices calling at my name telling me to run away telling me to save myself but then one voice I recognize above all others Papa's voice his cries I feel something it's like my body shattering into pieces it's like I'm disappearing completely but I'm not suddenly I feel a glow something something familiar and then the voice I'd recognize it anywhere hey kiddo looks like you destroyed your body well we'll see what we can do about getting you a new one it was him my dear friend Mr Reaper but what's this about destroying myself? And that's where that dream cuts out now I'm in another place there are two people smiling at me well I guess you could say more like two Skeletons boys they both seem to be worried are you okay the monochrone one says however the other one says wow you really did a number on her but maybe that's not a good thing I knew it I had actually said aloud in this Dream I knew I shouldn't have given you such an awesome staff I should have just stuck with giving you a stick much too powerful for sparring with are you okay Rune he he asked yeah I'm fine I said are you sure he said yeah I'm great you havoc causer hey that's not true he says to me you know I'm only joking with you right haha very funny he says to me only we're facing someone this someone has a very familiar aura except more powerful? Suddenly the one I'm guessing since I called him havoc causer is probably actually named havoc says malvik leave my friend alone they have nothing to do with our battle however when he said give the opposite affect I decided the best idea would be to run so I ran in the opposite direction not wanting to get involved in there dispute I'm sure of it now this is some swap or alternate version of the dreamtale twins but which universe I wonder anyway the two seem to be fighting Non-Stop when I get caught by none other than a glitchy version of Blue?

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now