Chapter one the guardian of the seed of emotion

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(Author's point of view)

To day a woman of the royal  family gave birth to a baby girl and a baby boy the boy was normal but the girl was not the noble woman's family believed that children born with magic were evil and so the woman abandoned the baby girl by some random tree in the forest never to be seen again at least that's what that woman thought but boy was she wrong that was only the beginning of the woman's troubles .

It was on that day that the  guardian of the seed of emotion was ending her time as a forced guardian of the seed of emotion when the cranky old goat she was cursed by named lord Azgore (Reaper-tale Azgore) the jerk told her of her succesor the jerk sent her to find a mere mortal a little baby that may or may not be in the forest to find some human queen's discarded child the guardian of the seed of emotion was forced to findsome lowly mortal and train them to be the guardian of empathy a  child to take her place and what do you know some dumb human left a baby right at the offering chamber the guardian was inwordly celebrating that she had found a child so near the tree with only a few more years left to find one she could now train this human child to be the next guardian of the the seed of emotion  and so that is what the guardian did .

Twelve hours  later the cursed goddess or young woman as many in the village would call her the fairy of the seed once a beautiful young noble goddess now the stuck following a monster god's plans as they all saw it the woman found the baby and brought the child to her hidden realm where she watched the outside world how dare Death throw a mortal soul like this in to her life like this once a goddess of beauty now she was forced to protect a child Nora was forced to raise this pink blob
Azgore told her this: " Nora this child is the true ruler of this kingdom but now she will become your pupil and you will still be punished for betraying the godly order but unlike you this child is good and will become your your way out but only if you raise this child right until then you will teach her of her destiny she will become the guardian you should have been .

So Nora was forced to teach the girl the ways of a guardian and to Nora's supprise the girl became accepted by the seed and the beings in the forest while the people of the village began to call the child the angel of the kingdom of the eatternia the child began to develop her gifts as a child at age 8 she could shoot an arow like a pro and her level of understanding magic was surprisingly very deep and her emotions she had an empathic nature .

(Rune's Point Of view)
I'm now almost eleven years old and but I'm only using my old name from my old world as my parents never had the decency to give me a name before abandoning me in this forest but not that I minded I love my life here where my mentor Nora trained me to be the guardian I am to day (≧▽≦)   so I'm happy with my life but still I'm curious if other guardian's exist in my world or what those things that voice called Aus are but oh well oh and in this world I have found that I have magic powers that are really powerful the people in the villages on the outskirts of the the kingdom of eatternia by the forest always have need of my power of healing but that is not the extent of my powers but no one knows what I am truly capable of tee-hee I spend most of my time playing my harp it's my favorite way to pass the time as a guardian of the seed of emotion to day I will go into the village to the east side of the forest for some books as I love book for some reason but I can't seem to remember why 🤔 .
(Time skip )
"Wow there's so many book here 🤩 and I found out that there is another tree in my world that's like the seed it's called the tree of emotions so cool and it also has a guardian of it called Nim she gaurds it from people who would try to take it's fruits as they hold all the emotions of something called a multiverse whatever that is.

Oh and the lady who runs the library around the village said that the book I found wasn't the libraries so I could keep it awesome right.

"um wait a minute is someone at the temple of the seed right now".💢 "Hay you stay away from the temple of the seed of emotion what do you think you are doing with that ack no don't you get any closer to the temple you.

"What you still won't listen to me Fine then I will have to use force Fireball off judgment!

"You have been warned but didn't listen so now you will burn for your greed!

"Is it bad that I don't care about these greedy people who often come to steal the seed of emotion I guard"?

😔"Well somehow I don't think that this will be the last time that I will have to fight them".
Time Skip

"So maybe I can get some food in the village that is the closest to the temple but then again will Nora's barrier be able to protect the temple in my absence I still miss Nora so much she just up and vanished one day ".

"But maybe it wasn't that she vanished at all but that she no that can't be it she probably just doesn't want to get up and is sleeping somewhere yeah that has to be it" 😅.
Time Skip

Finally got a little bit the food I needed in the village time to head back to the tree 😊.
Oh no a group of unknown people that have sword's and horses are at the temple no leave the temple alone you bad people no my home they destryed my house the temple of emotion down if that wasn't bad enough they are stealing the temple's treasure.

"How dare they They will pay I will make them and their master pay !!!!!!!

"But as I was about to use my magic I was hit over the head with something hard and past out 💫💫😵😵😪😪😪😪😴😴
When I woke up I was in a prison cell aka the dungeon of a kingdom of some sort but that wasn't the worst part my captor was that horrible mother of mine who abandoned me as a baby why did it have to be her and why is she being so mean to me 😭😭😭😫💦💦😭😫😭😭

(To be continued in next chapter)
Hello I just wanted to say that I'm an amiture writer so if I'm not great don't be mad I'm just amiture writer also I hope that you like my fanfiction

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now