chapter 21 the battle continues take that Hate my Kindness is stronger than you

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(Rune's Point Of View)
There's no time to waste I have to hurry I have to find them my friends I also need to make sure Papa Dream and Blue aren't hurt the first one I ran into is a very angry dust I decided the easiest way to get through this is to tell some puns so that's what I do after getting him to agree to stop hitting me with knives I had on further into the castle to save everyone else the next I come across is no other than the Oreo yes I mean exhale Sans AKA cross next was horror next was killer next was raspberry next was scoundrel and next came the king himself and that's where it's all was only beginning the first thing I saw was something I had not expected they're on the ground was all three of them Papa Dream and Blue , hey which one of you am I speaking to I asked what nightmare says when we looking at me but he doesn't seem to remember but I decide to rephrase am I talking to Terror or am I talking to Night ? He still looked at me surprised that I knew how do you know how do you know about us he asked me simple you told me yourself or I should say Night told me 😉 say you think I could speak to him no Terror says how come is it because you're afraid I'll hurt him like the people in the village you don't have to be afraid of that I would you know harm him I mean why would I treat you like I've been treated before.

Then Nightmare just simply seemed confused someone's been treated the same way as he has oh and one more thing I may look like a child but I'm 521 years older than you he just stared at me you're older than me but you look like a kid.
Oh I see you can't understand me , well perhaps I should start my story like this then once upon a time in this very same universe there lived a young guardian who took care of a magic tree very similar to the one that you take care of only I took care of it for a different reason it wasn't for the fruits of the tree but for the guardian of the tree for the guardian that was sealed in this tree was to protect the fruits of magic that the tree produced and if ever stolen and used in a magic potion the person who drink that magic potion would become undefeatable or so people believed in truth the only thing that would happen is the tree would weather it would die and the tree of magic would be no more, many years ago a guardian of the tree of magic a nymph well to be more accurate she was a human who was cursed into becoming a nymph and the true guardian's servant you see she was a very greedy human being a very lazy human being too so for many thousands of years she guarded the tree of magic but she started to notice that her magic seal was beginning to wane and it was time to find a new guardian someone to take her place and this is where my story begins in the time when the guardian was looking for someone to take over a woman had just given birth to twins however the younger twin was born with magic humans aren't supposed to be born with magic and so the mother discarded the child in the forest abandoning it the day it was born but this baby was found by the guardian of the tree to Lanny and her servant Annetta this is the most amazing thing not only did she not have to go and expand energy to look for someone to take over Annette's place but someone had stupidly left a child here it would be easy for Annetta to raise this child into the next guardian and then her and then she no longer be imprisoned in the tree and Annetta wouldn't have to guard the tree however she had become to grow attached to the child and so she decided to stay even when the child had reached an age when they could have taken care of the tree on their own it was almost time for the child to turn 11 when an evil and cruel Queen came upon came upon the story of The magic tree and knew its power she ordered her men to cut down the tree and to take it s heart for herself but the young guardian the nameless child fought to keep these men away casting all sorts of horrible little curses actually that's what they believe they were but without the young guardian was actually doing was using a magic power called the flames of judgment when she called forth the flames of judgment she tried to defeat the evil queens army but this queen would not give up she came back with an even more powerful army and the young guardian was no match for her but what was worse when she found out who this evil queen was she was the horrid mother who had discarded her years ago the young girl was captured and taken to a dungeon where she was tortured for seven months by then she had reached 21 she was forced to be a guinea pig after they went and stole something from another magic tree on this very day this was the day that you're very unmother was killed I told him it was it was within the middle of that day that I was forced to be a guinea pig and that you and your brother first came to be it would be two weeks later that I the nameless guardian succumbed to madness as I watched her kill the most important things to me one the lazy guardian of the tree of magic Anetta and two the very heart of the tree of magic the very tree that I spent my whole lifeguarding I couldn't stand it something something within me something I never wanted anyone to know a dark power which lied inside of me I used it to vanquish that evil queen after she not only killed the nymph anetta but also devouring the heart of the tree of magic right in front of me I killed her in an instant my skin had turned gray my eyes are turned black and it was like the queen had never existed she simply faded to nothingness that is the story but this is not the end after stopping anetta's killer the queen the evil Queen her husband wanted revenge for me killing her so he came after me he stabbed me with a magic sword and I should have died had it not been for the horrid things I was forced to eat in that horrible dungeon cell can you guess what I was forced to devour what I was forced to be the test subject for I asked him no I cannot he said I was forced to eat both kinds of apples from the tree that you and your brother used to protect you mean to tell me that you survived because of that oh no not only because of those two things also because of the fruit of the tree of magic when all three of those magics can bind it changed me I'm now something that can never be destroyed that's why I slept for so long I woke up when your truth started three days after that to be exact you were all having a party celebrating I remember that day was quite and unhappy day mostly because I was walking there in the same clothes I was wearing all those thousands of years ago that's right you and your brother came to exist the day I died or I was supposed to have died but I didn't I refused and that's why the power that makes up my entire being refused to let me die and instead I woke up all those years later I hope by telling you this you may remember from the truth you made with your brother all the fun times we all had together and suddenly nightmare begins to remember something you remembered arguing with himself over a kid they had just met that ink said he was going to take home after the party even at that point night liked that human he didn't want them to go he didn't want them to go with them he wanted them to say he wanted to be hugged and cared for again this person made him happy but not just him he remembered agreeing with his other self that they would see this kid again and when they did they would make sure that this kid never thought they were pure evil or something like ink would probably tell them suddenly even more memories passed and he remembered all the fun times they had he remembered him and his stupid brother going in making some sort of appreciation Club for all that this kid had been doing to help their Multiverse they had balanced everything out the way ink never could and then he remembered but it wasn't just him that remembered it was his other stuff that remembered as of instantaneously both of them began to cry they had been used for some kind of stupid plot they knew it they hated being manipulated by others that's what happened to dream when they were in the village together it was the worst thing and they had just done the same thing as their brother to their friend no less they almost they almost killed her they almost killed her night was now yelling at Terror saying that he almost killed their princess how dare he well Night he said if she's as powerful as she said she is she could have easily taken us out she chose not to she knew she could get through to us but in the end but still cried at the thought that they almost hurt their best friend . suddenly another figure emerged someone who had been hiding among my shadows you again he said how did you get here simple I'm friends with everybody here of course I know where they kept the spare key haha makes stupid jokes see what I care this is a castle after all it's not like there's some kind of secret key for the castle no but I do know all the secret passageways Night told me them himself she smiles however hate glares at her you stupid little interloper you keep getting in my way well kid I finally decided to get rid of you myself prepare to see my true power and it's fullest and that's when a battle began between the Young guardian of Aus and the obnoxious nuisance called hate Sans but is there battle began Rune began to sing you think you understand you think you can change them but I know them better you think that you know how you could hurt them how you could make them hurt all the others I won't allow it I won't allow it they're my friends I won't let you hurt them they are the ones that gave me a new chance they're my friends the ones that I'll always care for and this world will never be yours we will stop you here and now I will stop you just you wait and see I'm the light that shines even when the darkness comes I am the one who will stop you so you should stop while you are still ahead cuz if not then you will lose in the end cuz I'm not going to stand around letting you hurt everyone I am a guardian to save them all I am the one that can be look like or the darkness you've only seen one side to me but I'm going to show you what I can truly do I'm giving you chance after chance but you just don't understand so it's time I beat some sense into you to show you what a guardian is truly capable of but you just don't understand that I am stronger than you Ishowed you Mercy I won't let you go further I won't let this go on I won't let you destroy all that I've worked to help all that I've worked to save I won't let you change it I won't let you hurt it I've been trying so hard to help everyone so I won't let you take it all away this time you should know that I'm never going to give up cuz I've got integrity determination I've got everything that I need to stand up to you I'll persevere across your attacks you can't do anything to memaybe this was destiny that I was to meet you here but hey I'm going to stop it right here I'm not going to let you succeed this time I'm not going to let you hurt my friends this time around you're not going to corrupt their hearts again you're not going to make this end again I'll keep trying till the end never will I give up to defending them you should know that I won't give up cuz I'll keep going till the end maybe you don't understand but I'm going to show you now I am not the one to take lightly I am going to straighten you out this time just you wait and see I am the light that shines tonight I can be an angel of Mercy or I can be an angel of death do you know why they call me Deltarune it's easy just see I have wings you see but I've never used them till today you see why well I'll tell you because I've never wanted to hurt them but I want to hurt the ones who hurt them so this time you're going to see why they call me Deltarune this time you're going down.

(Author's Point Of View)

The battle has begun Deltarune begins her attack Deltarune attacks with her blue attack she sends hate flying up and down back and forth left and right east and west south and north all the while hate is contemplating his attack hate attacks Deltarune skillfully dodges Deltarune uses a swift comeback swinging her leg far back towards hate she kicks him right in the gut hate falls but stands back up oh how he wants to kill this girl he thinks to himself but Deltarune will not give up so easily it's still to ruins attack again Deltarune attacks using her red attack DeltaRune hits hate head on Delta run does 20 damage hate falls backwards he's too weak to continue fighting but he won't give up yet hate pulls the candy out of his pocket he's back to full HP Delta Rune attacks again this time using an orange attack hate doesn't move forgetting that orange is the one that you're supposed to move on Deltaruns attack did 50 damage hates HP is a quarter down Deltarune continues to fight hate uses a magic attacks called substitution he pulls one of Deltarune's friends into the battle using them like a puppet Deltarunes mad but continues to dodge her friends attacks desert manages to get behind her friend attacking hate directly on Deltarune didn't pull her punch this time Deltarune did 1000 damage filtering does six more damage before going back to her corner hates it HP is steadily going down hate loses control of the sands he grabbed they are now freed but he's still trying to attack hate grabs another candy his HP was once again restored they'll turn is starting to get annoyed at these candies she's going to keep attacking though that's her and attacks she does 200 damage Deltarune continued to attack Deltarune grabs out your magic pen she changes the shape of the pen and is now a giant Pink brush she decided that this was the best tool to use against this annoyance Deltarune attacks using a red attack the attack does 500 damage Deltarune continues to fight hate sends another attack at Deltarune then Deltarune dodges Deltarune chooses act Deltarune chooses to say face it hate my kindness is stronger than your hatred you never going to win against me I'm just that much more determined than you are so why don't you just give up now . Never he says .
Suddenly Deltarune is hit back hates attacks became stronger Deltarune passes out .

Who will win will it be hate or will it be Deltarune find out in the next chapter 😉.

Author's note

So when I wrote this chapter and I put the song in there Deltarune was singing the song while she was fighting him it was just easier for me to write the song down before she started fighting him but imagine that playing while she's fighting hate oh and I made up that song myself.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now