chapter 7 A day with underswap and Blueberry sans and underswap papyrus +?

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(Rune's Point Of View)
Ink said that I should learn more about the AUs by experiencing the first hand so he decided that I should see one of the more safer Au first so today I'm going to visit the Au called underswap and maybe get to know the sans of that universe 😃✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧.

Yay a new Chance at making a new friend (✷‿✷)(✿^‿^).

So here I go I decided once again to run through the portal and this time I ran into someone.

we both ended up falling into a snowpuff great just great 😑.·´¯'(>▂<)´¯' oh my not again last time it as classic Frisk now it's someone else but it's always the same I keep running into people why is it so hard to not run into someone?
.·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)😱😱😱 And to top it off I'm stuck in freezing cold snow again 😱😫😰😓🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 so cold (╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥).·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'
"Ugh i should have known that Ink would pick such a spot to open a portal into
(╥﹏╥) he is kinda stupid at times.

"I'm so sorry Berry I didn't mean to run into you like that 😅, "MWEH-HeH-HeH! "That is alright Small human but you are mistaken I'm not Berry, he and I just happen to look alike is all but you can call me Sans or underswap sans or Blue you don't look to be from around here so I might as well be your guide until you can find Berry he me and papyrus happen to all live together so you're Best bet of finding him would be to hangout with me and Chara my human friend .
Wow what's a nice guy he wasn't my friend but still offered to help me so cool I bet he could even top Classic sans in his level of coolness 🤩😲😯\(◎o◎)/
⋋✿ ⁰ o ⁰ ✿⋌✧\(>o<)ノ✧ .

"Thanks mister Underswap Sans my name is deltarune but my friend's call me Rune its a honor to meet you frankly you are the coolest sans I have ever met and if you're ok with it I would like to be friends with you and may I hangout with you I feel that anything fun would only happen around you so
I more than anything else would like to be your friend.

(Underswap Sans's ,Blues' P.O.V. )

This human is different from Chara but at the same time it is a good kind of different she seems to be more full of manners but she somehow seems sad in a way I wonder why she is like that but she does seem to know Berry so that's a good sign that this human is okay so I will trust them for now but first I want to see if they can pass my riddles .

(Author's Point Of View)

Rune and Swap Sans\or Blue are going to Swap's home to meet his family and friend Chara when Underswap Papyrus finds that Sans aka Underswap Sans\Blue has brought another human into their home yet again .

(Swap Papyrus's POV)

What is Sans thinking how can he bring yet another human into our home let's just hope that this human isn't like Chara was before .

(Berry ala fanonn under swap sans)

Pappy and Sans should be home soon so I Wonder if I should head back home early today after all it's been awhile since we all have been together and ate a proper dinner since me and sans were split into two different people.

At one point we were one person but now we are two MWEH-HeH-HeH but then again we are a bit different for example I'm smaller and have star shaped eye lights and he just looks like a regular but his are different but that is what sets us apart from each other.  Oh Ink just sent me a text wonder what it says?
Oh WOWZERS! Rune will be in my Au can't wait to see her she is a nice little human now I definitely need to get home early.

(Rune's Point Of View)

Wow so this is your home mine was just a temple in a forest well until this bad lady decided to destroy it and then I fell asleep for a very long time.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora