chapter 25 The Rune fanclub strikes again , Preparing for the party later

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(Rune's Point Of View)
It's been a week since we defeated them or I should say defeated him hate is no longer causing mischief throughout our Multiverse we should be happy for that and yet I'm still worried whoever his boss was he seems mighty scared in fact too scared to give out his location I continue to ponder on this until a softly spoke voice interrupts my train of thought oh rune do you hear me rune I'm calling you it was none other than my friend Dream oh dream what is it you were ignoring me again he pouts oh don't pout Dream but you were ignoring me he says anyways I wanted to tell you that we're going to have a party in a few days to celebrate the restabilization of our Multiverse that's great but we should probably keep an eye out there's a good possibility that whoever hired hate may still be around they could be watching us this very minute and we wouldn't even realize it 😱.
Anyway the club has got a lot of members so far and guess who joined today who joined it was Reaper oh that's very interesting he's probably just keeping an eye on me why is that ? That power I used before on hate that power you could say if I didn't take my hand off of him when I did he'd be dead where he stands no worse than that he would cease to exist completely 😌 . What you mean that power can make someone not exist yeah you should ask Reaper about it I bet he'd tell you, you see I call it the Wither. the weather huh that seems pretty scary to me not weather wither oh still scary. Dream let me ask you has nightmare told you the story of my past no why cuz nightmare knew I had this ability I told him actually a little while before I used it anyway since he hasn't told you I guess I can tell you so the gist of it is there was an evil queen she destroyed the the tree that I was protecting it drove me mad all the time that she was keeping me there tortured seven whole months I used that power to strongly I made her cease to exist however a couple of guards watch me do it and so they told the king of that castle the king of that castle one in revenge for me making his wife disappear so he stabbed me with a magic sword that should have killed me but I did not want to die so I did not that's why I slept for so long so that's how you got stuck in that stone until you woke up the day of the party yeah but to be honest with you I never regret doing what I did to her I would never do it to anyone else but she deserved it but there's something else I want to talk about if anyone can understand these it's you I mean you're always protecting people's dreams right ? True I do protect other people's dreams when I can but you said something about your dreams something bothering you you can go ahead and tell me I can tell you if it means something. Okay so I've been having dreams of things that are to come like for instance I believe I don't know when this will happen but I believe it to be soon I may leave here but not of my own will I have a feeling that I'm going to be gone soon gone from our Multiverse but I don't know when that will be only that it will happen and when that does I'll make other allies but just one other Multiverse allies won't be able to stop the threats that are to come and in the very last dream I believe that I'm going to cease to exist.  I don't believe that's possible Dream I feel it something bad is going to happen really bad someday I'm not going to be here or maybe it'll be my next life my next lifetime it was warned that I'll never truly die but my body can be destroyed if it's something more powerful than me if something more powerful than me can disrupt my power I can actually well it's close to death really but not really die I'll just I'll be nothing but a soul again what I was when I first arrived here many thousands of years ago .Well don't think about it too much not all dreams are an interpretation of destiny some I just the embodiment of your fears of what you fear might happen or what your subconscious May depicts could happen besides the future is never sent in stone it's always changing you can always change this path you can always change this fate after all even fate is afraid of you 😉 . Thanks dream you always know how to cheer me up🤗 . Yes I finally got a hug I knew I would get one eventually but so soon I feel like I'm walking on Stars 😍😍😍. Are you serious Dream you're acting weird if you don't quit acting weird I'll tell Night and Terror 😱 . Owh please don't tell him about it 🥺🥺🥺😭 . Okay okay I won't tell him but still knock off that creepy stuff hugs are normal for friends you know anyway how's everything been going with the club lately well today we all decided we were going to make some club merchandise oh no you're not serious today we're all going to make dolls of our  hero by hero you mean me don't you yep you get it. Oh no what is he thinking he's so weird sometimes dolls really that's no different than what Error does with his puppets and we all know how weird he is because of those though frankly those are less creepy then Dream's dolls he's making over there I mean who uses button eyes that's so creepy give me the sweet genius it reminds me of Button from button tail all in all very creepy 😱😰😫😨😓😱. Time skip we are now all preparing for the party I can't believe it's been so long already it's been almost a year that I've been here in today's the last of the decorations needed for tomorrow's party world throwing it in nightmares Castle again surprisingly it's pretty good for parties I just hope nothing bad happens like killer accidentally eats all the party food or horror both of them are pretty much greedy when it comes to food anyways can't wait for tomorrow.

(??? Point of view)

So you're telling me you were beaten by a child back then!!! Please let me free master I don't want to be in that horrible cell any longer and that human is imortal there's no way I would be able to defeat them they literally stole my magic from me for so long that it has taken me so long to get word out to you and I promise you that I said nothing about the plan to make more servants from random sanses I promises that nothing of our plans they'll never know just what you have planned so please free me . I will just a day later I want you to continue to gather some information for me anything that seems out of the ordinary or if they're doing anything that will be an easy enough distraction do you understand what I'm saying I want you to be a spy for me for right now I want you to spy on them and when I come and get you tomorrow you will still be getting punishments for not completing your task but if you give me useful information I may lighten your punishment.  Of course master I promise I will get it done.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now