Chapter 9 Rune go's to the bookstore of chronicletale and makes a new friend

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(Rune's Point Of View)
Today is the day I will leave for the chronicletale
But unfortunately Ink isn't going to come as the keeper of the bookstore in chronicletale has ban Ink from the the bookstore because he and the other members of the star sans's almost destroyed the books in his bookstore so the Chronicle ban him from coming to his bookstore of his multiverse again.

I only know this because Dream told me when I first said that I wanted to go to the bookstore of chronicletale so could learn more about the multiverse and so Dream said that he and Ink and blue got ban from ever coming into said bookstore.

(Time Skip)
This time Ink had to open a portal to chronicletale and said that I would have to find the bookstore on my own oh and to tell someone named Chronicle that I meant no harm to his multiverse or any of it's inhabitants not that I would ever hurt an innocent anyway I'm not into fighting if I can help it
I would never fight mostly I just like to restore and heal others who are in need of it .

"Hello mister can you please tell me if there is a bookstore near here you see I have traveled a long way to find this particular bookstore as I have heard that it has some very informative books ☺️😇 ?

(Time skip)

I have finally found the bookstore and have come inside to ask the owner of the bookstore if they have any book's about the multiverse oh I think I saw someone go around back hee hee.

"Hello I came to this bookstore to see if I could find any book's about the multiverse's do you have anything on that here?

(Chronicle's Point of View)
I was putting one of the books up on the shelf when I heard a voice it sounded like a girl's voice where they here for directions like most people who come here that was what I thought until she asked about books but what caught me off guard was the particular book she wanted no normal kid would know of the Multiverse except for someone who knows someone else who knows the Multiverse thierory then this kid must have come here for something specific maybe I should look into my book and see if there's anything I need to know about this girl .
(Time skip)
What I found out about her is so sad but it seems she came here to learn more about the Multiverse that she lives in but I do have a book she might be interested in this one though is a secret from all other sans's .

"Well I don't often have visitors to my store that come from so far away as another multiverse for one of the books in my shop how may I help you oh by the way the name's Chronicle and what might your name be ?

(Rune's Point Of View)

Oh he wants to know my name well here I go.

"Oh my name is Deltarune but my friend's call me Rune I'm here in search of a book that can tell me more about the multiverse that I'm from you wouldn't happen to have any book's about that would you Mister Chronicle Sir ?

(Chronicle's Point Of View)

"Oh why yes I have a book like that I might let you have it so long as you promise not to let others know about the book it is kept here so that no one would ever use it the wrong way to do bad with this book do you promise not to let others know that you have it ?

(Rune's Point Of View)

"I understand what you're saying I promise to keep the book a secret from everyone else Mister Chronicle Sir
I won't let anyone else ever even see the book for I two am one who enjoys peace.

"Say mister Chronicle Sir I have one more question for you that is would you be my first friend in another multiverse as I two enjoy a good book ☺️😇 I would take a guess and say that you also like books as well.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora