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(Ink's Point Of View)

As Rune went to bed after we came back from Sci's office and I decided it was time to put precautions in place for Rune I hope that this spell is right as as the winter is passing over so are these as gentle as a summer breeze as a flower in spring may this soul be safe from the evil that lurks in the shadows may this magic protect this soul with chains of magic to protect her soul . , There the magic has been cast she will be safe now unless something stronger than me comes along and breaks the spell but what are the chances of that 😌 good night little Deltarune sleep tight sweet dreams my little angel 😚 I kissed her forehead as she slept but she seems to be having a fight in her dream as she keeps hitting me in her sleep😭.

I decided to tell Error about Rune's weakness it's the best I can do for her as her parental guardian .

(In another multiverse )

(Chaos aka the Nightmare of this alternate multiverse  )

(Chaos's point of view )

"Bill, 404 , I have senced a powerful magic nearby in one of the alternate multiverse's find out what has begun making those multiverse's stable again make sure that you report back what is fixing the Ams that Shattered had tried to influence so much now go ".

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now