Chapter 14 Meeting the 90s nightmare and Rune running from him

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(Rune's Point Of View)

So Ink wanted me to play in some other AU today because he has some friends to talk to he said that they are called the council of AUs anyway I think that it has to do with something upsetting the balance of the Multiverse or something but he sent me to one of the copy's of glitch-tale so I'm trying to see if I can get Core Frisk's attention but so far he doesn't seem to be here 😅so I'm going to explore this Au for a while (the real reason that Core Frisk isn't here is that one of the few Sanses he is afraid of is here because he is looking for his next meal if you get what I mean oh and Ink being the bass case he is he left Rune with a genocide run suddenly there is an error screaming Ink you idiot)
Humm well why is there no Sans or Papyrus here?
Oh no I see a lot of dust in this place oh no did he seriously just send me too a genocide run what is he thinking oh wait he probably wasn't thinking he was probably in so much of a hurry he didn't even check it suddenly I have the urge to smack him Why Uhh Ink you are an Idiot then I saw a monster being held by another monster that's when I realized that the monster being held up was the Sans of this Au but is that another Sans that's killing Glitch Sans oh no I haven't read about this in my book um I'm gonna have to risk it I grabbed my magic Marker wich I have decided to turn into a pen and made gigantic and somehow can still manage to draw with it uh-oh this doesn't look good I better keep going I decided the smartest thing to do was to yell hey you put him down probably not my smartest moment but hey I'm still new to this whole you know protecting everybody thing I mean before I only had to protect the one tiny tree but this gives me excellent practice for later although it also means that I could get a big trouble just think ahead that should keep me safe I then decided to slash with my newfound tool I'm deciding to call it gigantopencil mode well it's still in giganto pencil mode I draw a nice size staff for myself this should work perfectly and is peaceful enough that it shouldn't kill anyone but maybe you know show that I'm a pacifist and don't want to fight unless I have to oh right let's go you put him down now I said in a more confident voice although I'm still pretty much winging this other Sans it seemed a little off it seemed to be staring at me for a while almost like it was contemplating what I'm doing here probably exactly what it's thinking I'm not going to put him in the category of sands because he beats acts like a sense I mean since when does sands go out and attack genocide sanses that's just messed up then I decided it would probably be a good idea to pull out my book and take a look and see if I can figure out which stands this actually is looking through the book I found something known as the technically nonsense I'm pretty sure that that puts my au sans's anyway what it showed so far kind of freaked me out so I finally found out who this guy is apparently he's called fresh but I mean who calls someone fresh I mean it's like saying oh I have fresh food today or oh I got some fresh meat today definitely not what you'd would expect I decided the best way to handle this might be to distract him long enough to where I can save this genocide survivor Sans and run away look here goes nothing pun time (Time skip because I'm not good at puns) run I yelled we have to get out of here quickly before he realizes that I just stumped him on nothing but a bunch of puns and a riddle yeah unfortunately that didn't turn out working well he found this really quick at a time like this I blame Papa Ink 😭 I feel like I've run for hours by the time we finally get past him we managed to make it all the way to judgment corner luckily I have not been deemed as someone evil so he let me pass but of course I'm not evil I mean I did just save his life I decided it would be best to leave this world but how to do so oh I know a call one of my friends now which one to call should I go Blue now he's probably too busy dream no he's probably busy too I'd try cross but I don't know oh I know there's someone who's always hanging out as of late glitchy I know could you come and save me I decided on error because he is one of the strongest if anyone knows if to fear someone it's Error so I begin dial Error's number of course he picked up on the first ring , hay kiddo what's up oh is that so Ink you idiot you left the kid in a genocide run what's your excuse for that!?
I fun to know that you're yelling at ink but can you help me I have a feeling that thing I left back there is coming back yucky it's clothing are horrible like barfing rainbows Eap get me out of here it's coming back it's coming back around run Rrrruuuunnn Hello me . I'm sorry but you're call cannot be reached at this moment please call back at a more convenient time.
A shoot now I really have to get back there Ink you're so dead when I get back .!! Hang on kid I'm on the way!!!. Um I'm so dead this thing is going to catch me Eap help why does he always do this to me first it was that darn snow then it was that time leaving me alone in the hot land or there was this time he almost forgot to feed me in other words this is a low even for him 😰😱😫😫😱😱😱😱😱 "hay there can we talk this out" ? No need for violence here I'm a pasifist I don't hurt people unless they do something that is bad like killing people or monsters that don't deserve it so please don't take another step forward or I will be forced to give you an extremely bad time so don't take another step or I'll be forced to fight you !!!
Fresh blocks your way options fight act items Mercy Deltarune chooses act Deltarune chooses talk I don't want to fight you but if you force me to I will fresh chooses??? Act act first chooses insults Deltarune has no idea what fresh is saying because he speaks in the 90s slang Deltarune chooses fight damage fights with staff inflicts 10 damage fresh chooses attack Deltarune is lucky enough to be able to dodge barely quick enough she thinks her time of training with error and Ink Deltarune chooses attack filtering uses magic attack calling Vines for help Vines respond Vines come up out of the ground and twist themselves around fresh fresh is now stuck fresh cannot move it is Deltarunes turn again Delta Rune decides to go with Mercy she is running away from fresh fresh is still hanging by vines on stealing new opponent comes into the ring Error's come to save the day well until he sees fresh then he screeches like a little girl and runs away deltarun is still running away she's still running past the barrier Deltarune has destroyed barrier to run away Deltarune still running away DeltaRune has run off of the building Delta Rune has decided to keep running she doesn't know why she's running anymore but she keeps running anyway Deltarune's decides she's run far enough away from fresh she's noticed to call error who still refuses to pick up his phone still screaming on the ground like a little girl DeltaRune calls his phone one more time he finally answers Error chooses run Error runs away fresh is left with no more opponents left for Fresh to fight fresh is contemplating on whether to leave the battle precious decided to leave the battle there is no more battle end.
Few that was close but now I broke the barrier it's bound to get Ink's attention oh my gosh it's back run away the rainbow thing is back EAP help me it's getting closer to me ugh I can't move is this what gravity Magi feels like help me some one any one help me my body feels strange like that feeling one feels when under laughing gas you know that tingling feeling my limbs dropped as I hit the floor hard my body feels heavy I can't think straight where is it taking me I'm so confused and weak I I I can't hold on anymore I'm sorry Papa Ink I think I'm going to die I'm loosing my strength I decided to call out for help But nobody answered my eyes close And I blackout.
(Author's Point Of View)

Fresh suddenly regained his sanity and awareness of the fact that he just kidnapped a kid that Error came to get oh no he thought that he also heard Error say something about Ink oh no he really messed up and to top it off he had just become a kidnapper his day was going porely for him first some monster from another universe came to his home crib and then the monster's enemy came and destroyed half of his army of followers who were killed by that intruder he is so mad now he has to find more monsters from genocide timelines to kidnap and convert to his Fresh ways and now he not only didn't get any monsters only one human child who seemed to know his home slice Ink and his home bro Error this is bad because they have an entire Multiverse on their side he doesn't want to deal with this right now so he decided to take them with him back to his home crib and call Ink to come and get her then but for now he had to go get that sans and any other monsters that didn't get killed by the fallen child uhh why dose he always get stuck with the unrad stuff Fresh thinks to him self so after grabbing several genocide timelines monster survivors the kid he grabbed finally woke up hay little Dudet the name's Fresh the raddest Skeleton out in the Multiverse kid so what were you doing in that genocide timeline and don't lie to me cuzz that's so unradd Fresh Said. um my gaurdian Ink Sans left me there while her was talking with some friends of his called the council of AUs and decided to leave me there 😅 in that timeline unfortunately this happens to me alot so I'm starting to get used to it 😅 Rune said .

(Rune's Point Of View)

Um you look pretty unhappy right now did something bad happen to your AU?
Fresh said that some monster had come to his au to and caused some chaos to his world so he had to replace his um inhabitants with genocide timelines survivers well this is awkward um I could lend you a had with fighting this entity as I'm able to use a special kind of magic that only I can use to defeat it without causing anymore destruction to your universe okay but in return please don't tell anyone about this magic it is something i normally wouldn't ever use but I believe that if this creature succeeds they will bring more truble with them and we won't be able to stop it from coming after use all can you imagine what would happen if it succeeds it will rain terror on us all and so a began my second battle for the day all right Fresh time to get this party started ☺️ Hate Sans blocks your way options Fight act items Mercy Deltarune chooses Fight Deltarune uses the magic of flames of judgement Hate Sans is hit by the attack it dose 20 damage to Hate Sans Hate Sans chooses Fight he sends bone speers at Deltarune, Deltarune dodges his attack gracefully dodges his attack Deltarune sends another magic attack Magi attack dose 99 damage to Hate Sans, Hate Sans retaliates with a magic attack that sends Deltarune flying from the battle the battle ended
I'm calling for help from getting stuck up a giant tree help me I'm stuck hello can someone please help I'm stuck in a huge tree please someone anyone help Ink Error Mister fresh sans anyone please help me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭hhhheeellllpppp mmmeee! Wha wha 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm afraid of hights help mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Suddenly my Papa Ink arrives with a whole bunch of sanses I have never met before all coming together to fight Hate Sans but he got away with that sans from a fell AU that I helped a little while back oh no pore little Fell Sans from another Multiverse I wasn't strong enough to defeat him 😱😫😰😭 all that hard work for nothing 😭😭😔😭.
Papa Ink I missed you 😚 gives a kiss on cheekbone to Ink Ink slightly blushes at the shone affection and picked me up and swings me around like I've been gone for days and he missed me I love you to Papa Ink 😄☺️😊🤗🤗🤗🤗 ,"my sweet little Deltarune I was so worried about you when I found out that I had sent you to the wrong timeline I'm so sorry that you had to exiprence that all on your own my little angel I just love you so much like your my own child that's why I adopted you officially so no one could ever take you from me claiming to be your parent I don't ever want to loose you my little girl my little Rune 😭😭😭 I love you so much".
Then me and Papa Ink went home and I went to bed as usual saying my usual lines good night Papa Ink and good night and AUs and multiverses and all of the monsters and the multiverses good night sleep tight hope you have good dreams tonight you know the usual line.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now