Chapter 2 the little guardian's torcher

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Rune's Point Of View
I woke up to find out that the queen was the one who ordered my capture and then she ordered them to force two strangly colored liquid into my mouth I fought back trying to spit them out only for the gard to shove the vial even further into my mouth I couldn't hardly breath I struggled as the a dark and golden liquid I recognized as Nora's blood felt like acid and tasted like like bitter death and I had to drink those at the same it was horrible my poor taste buds 😢🤢🤮 I grabbed at the ground as I fell to my knees my chest hurts sob sob my head it hurts so much .

😢 Why is this happening to me she that mean queen force me to drink the vials of blood and liquid chaos luckily for me I was fried to eat those magic supplements and some how balanced them out , I have a feeling that she was using me as a guinea pig for what those liquids did to mortal man 😑😑💢💢💢

😢😭😖I hate her but how to kill a queen without being caught wait 😨😱what did I just think I'm not a killer no what happened to me there for a second is this because of the chaos liquid she forced me to drink?

No stay determine Rune you have to fight this I say to my self huff I will get out of here I know I will but I can't help feeling like should give up😔😞 .

"You should give up no one will care if your dead you died in your last word with no one to care and now you will die again alone no one will care Rune they didn't even give you a name in this world why would they care about you here hee hee ".

😒🙄" Great now I have a strange voices in my head that are insulting me can my life get any worse than this 😑😑😑😫😫💢💢💢😭 no I'm sure that the village would always remember me I'm Positive so there stupid voices in my head choke on that hah".

Just then I heard one of the guards say that their queen forced me to eat was Nora's blood and that the guardian that the queen stole a total of 5 blood vials from emotion's guardian was wounded how evil is this queen she reminds me of this word I believe the call it a dictator or as would call it batt butt crazy !

Oh no I think that the Queens guards heard me now I will be torcherd even more when will someone please save me Nora why aren't you here I miss you so much where are you Nora 😭😭 someone anyone please help me !

"But no one came for me.
"But no one came hahahaha you are so pathetic!

Alone all alone the guards have begun to hit me bad whip me when can I have the strength to escape a punish this queen for her evil deeds .

(Seven Months later)

I'm bareilly holding on to my sanity the Queen has once again come to taunt me saying if only someone else had been the guardian of the seed of emotion that she would have been no match for them but I know she is a liar.

Nora trained me to be the best guardian Nora she was the best guardian of the seed of emotion so there's no way she made a mistake with me because I was chosen for this this was what I was taught sence the day I was born she raised me she taught me I won't let that be in-vain that was what I told myself and her until she brought something or should I say someone out for me to see no it was my friend and mentor Nora She was here all along my Nora my No No No No leave her alone you horrible woman you no leave her alone stop stop it don't hurt her !!!!!

Oh I won't hurt her I will kill her and then I will kill  you snivelling pathetic excuse of a guardian and the thorn that's been in my side since I gave birth to ugh now I'm going to kill Nora the goddess then destroy her temple that you tried so hard to protect and I will take the magic item the seed and use it to make me the most powerful of all !

The sadistic queen said to me .

I watched as that queen grabbed my mentor and ripped out her soul as well as broke her neck right in front of me and she now held the seed that hold the power of emotions in her hands as she Was about to cut the part of it that kept the seed alive and I started to struggle I was simply kicked in the stomack.

However I began to feel a power deeply inside of me grow as everything began to wither and die I felt my chains beginning to snap like paper and then I grabbed the queen who had just ate the seed of emotion and I began to tug at her arms to save the seed then she began to wither but as she did her husband the King saw me kill his wife and so he stabbed me but before I got away I made it back to where the temple I called my home once stood and my own blood began to harden into crystal.

"Ahhhhhhhh no what's happening to me it's like I'm turning into a statue nooo oh no it hurts am I dieing no this can't be I feel so sleepy so tired ...........😐😔😴😴😴😴.

"As my eyes began to feel heavy and fell to the ground my hole body became hard as diamond and I fell into a deep sleep so deep that people believe that I died .

(Author's point of view)
The people of the villages that once surrounded the temple of emotion now held what remain now only the crystallized guardian of the seed emotion the guardian they all believed to be dead but then she became only a legend in the eyes of the world know but as her story was then told to a certain guardian of positivity and another of negativity in another world when they escaped their own universe as a children's story.

But sadly what none of them knew was that this guardian was still alive only sleeping in a long and deep sleep but then one of said guardians of the tree of feelings had also experience something similar to her .

To be continued

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now