Chapter 11 Rune spends a day with the glich aka Errorsans

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(Rune's Point Of View)

I never thought that a day like this would come a day when Error would come to the doodle sphere while Ink was still asleep and kidnap me though I know that he won't do anything bad to me sence Ink doesn't Make AU anymore because that was one of the rules in their agreement with the formerly known as the bad sans's so
I Know that he didn't break the rules.

It was just that Error doesn't fell fear when he is hugged by me so for now on this day he wanted to hug me but didn't want Ink or his friends to know so he did ask me to come with him just not so much the topical Hay want to hangout with me no it was more like he opened a portal and said he wanted me to come with wether I like it or not  oh did I mention that Error is like really tall so it's like me talking to a giant so I'm a bit to intimadeted to say no to him.

Even if he had asked me if I wanted to but nope instead he kidnapped me not that he did anything to me
I think that he's just needs more interactions with other people who can understand him but Why does everyone have to be bigger than me 😑 but Error is even bigger than all the other sans's it's to intimading 😫😱😱😱😱.

And is that a soul just hanging up there this is creepy get me out of this place of white death it's like those really Bright TV screen that give you head akes Wha I want to go back to the doodle sphere 😭😫😱😢😥 .

(Flashback to two hours ago)

Uh I hate that dream it's always the same That queen and my almost death by her husband Which frankly I still don't like to this day but that other dream was strange It was strange but all my friends were there and other people who I've never met before it was so scary 😭.

Maybe I should wake up in uh but then again he got cranky last time I did that 😓😩.

What why is there a split forming in my room oh no is that some sort of Port 😱😲aaaaaaaaaah is that a giant oh it's just Error but why is he so tall was he always this tall oh yeah he was I forgot about that because of all of my adventures in the different AUs humm I wonder what he is here for🤔 ?

   "Rune  I want you to come with me wether you want to or not you have to come with me.

Eap why me 😭😫😱!

"Um okay mister Error .

(End of flashback )

"Error when will you stop hugging me like a stuffed animal I'm not a doll I don't want to be in this situation I feel like I'm a kid when he is the one holding me and not in a good way"😐😑😔😩😣☹️.

(Author's Point Of View)

Rune is still being hugged by Error sans and Rune is still internally screaming that she wants to be put down but doesn't dare say it out loud for fear of Error getting mad at her infact Rune gets held in that hug for so long that she fell back asleep on Error sans but either Error sans doesn't know what she's asleep or he just doesn't care
Rune then begins to shreak in her sleep and unconsciously snuggles into Error even more than she was before Error jumps when Rune had shreaked in her sleep .

(Error's Point Of View)

Was that Fate no it didn't sound like her but where did  that sound come from then I just realized that Rune was fast asleep on me oh was it her after all I myself get night terrors often in my sleep because of the battles me and Ink had back before the Truce between our two groups.

And I remember that Rune was once not having such a great life in unknown tale years ago so maybe like me she sometimes has night terrors as well I mean I heard that Rune almost died back then that before she was like most humans that being that she was mortal Reaper also said something like that, that she gained a form of imortality by some sort of magic objects that she ate back before she was sealed in some sort of magic that turned into crystal .

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang