chapter 23 and 24 Rune is imortal fool you can't kill what can't die

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(Rune's Point Of View)

"Don't give up my successor she says Nora.

"I won't give up I'll show them what a true guardian is capable of I won't let him succeed.

if you do not want him to succeed then you have to accept you have to accept all of yourself but the good and the bad both the light to yourself and your deepest darkest past you speak of what I did to the queen that's what you mean right that power indeed very soon you'll be required to use that power the Wither but I couldn't it's dangerous it's dark it's wrong no it isn't wrong it's a part of you it has always been there it was not something born from that darkness that you ate it's always been within you it's because he helped me isn't it indeed in a way it's a blessing that's why he keeps such a close eye on you because you have the ability to make something disappear completely but that is not all you must accept your true pass not just the past of our world the past of your old world as well before you were a guardian you were a weaver of stories a weaver of tales a creator of stories use these powers the powers that not even I a goddess could with stand use your to your advantage!

She is right I am a guardian I am a weaver of stories I'm a creator of stories I am The protector of my friends of everyone that I care about.

"Most importantly he cannot kill you the only one that has the power to do that is someone who is stronger than you which he is not!

You're right Nora it is not time to give up it's time to wake up to face my fears it is time to show my true power to show him that he cannot defeat me that he cannot hurt them that he is not strong enough and never will be I just hope I can do this right.

Then I woke up I stood up confidence he just stared at me confused how how was I still alive I should have been gone by now I should have been dead but I wasn't.

He then decided to ask me .

How are you still alive that was my strongest attack how are you not dead?

Are you a fool you can't kill what's immortal for I have the blood of the goddess of beauty in my veins !

What you mean you're unkillable?

Yep pretty much and you just ticked off the wrong guardian😈!

"As I said before fool you can't kill we can't die you can't kill me cuz I'm immortal and you you're not even close to that.

The only thing that kill me is something stronger than me which you are not ergo I can continue to exist and I'm not giving up yet it's time for you to see the side of this guardian that not even my closest friends have seen it's time for you to see what makes me frightening what made me so frightening that there are still legends about me in my world it's time for you to face the power of the Wither I felt it again that power but this time I was in control I felt my skin begin to lose color I felt as if my whole being was filled with ice but strangely I could still function like it wasn't there at all my eyes turned black my skin turned gray my stunningly white silver hair turned midnight black the runes that are usually hidden under my clothing now present on my skin.

"What the hell what are you?

  "I was once called the guardian of the seed. Of emotion you ever hear of that temple it said that the guardians of that temple were extremely powerful well it's time to show you to a text you've never seen before first we're going to start with judgments my flames of judgment will judge you if you are innocent you will not be burned however if you are guilty you'll experience a torturus feeling of being burned but not even your healing remedies can stop it!

I began to throw the flames right at him.

he screeched and ran in terror he knew he was guilty of what happened he knew that no matter what even if he was following orders he willingly joined that group he was still guilty he would still experience punishment even if he did manage to beat them he would have to go and recapture all of his targets and S wouldn't like that he doesn't like it either he's got at least get rid of this kid they're becoming too much of an interference very soon they would have been on his Hit list anyway.

Don't worry The voice once again spoke in her mind I am always here with you of course you are Nora you were the one who took care of me back then but he wouldn't give up without a fight he'll continue to fight so I have to end this indeed you do Nora said it was my turn my turn to catch him off guard.

Come at me with your best attack if you can actually manage to hurt me.

He continued to fight me sending all his attacks at me a barrage of attacks I quickly dodged he keeps sending attacks at me I continue to dodge over and over we can complete this cycle he throws an attack I dodged I threw an attack at him he dodges he throws an attack at me.

I dodge but this time I managed to get an attack on him we keep doing this over and over and over and over again back and forth we continue to fight this time I do a spin kick this time he hits me with another attack it's a spear this time that hurt it hit my arm I pull it out only for my wound to heal itself it's time I showed someone my stats magic Max HP Max attack Max defense Max recovery Max scale maximum level how can you have that many skills he asks me simple I say with a smile I've lived a lot longer than you have so that he simply realizes that he's lost but he still doesn't give up .

If I'm going down he says I'm taking you with me!

we continue to fight back and forth but I decided it's about time I show what I'm truly capable of he sends an extremely powerful magic attack at me and I open my eyes my skin turns gray once more my eyes turning black as I grab a hold of him slowly siphoning his magic until it's nothing what's happening he asks me oh nothing I'm just taking back all of what I need to defeat you if you don't have your power how are you going to fight me and then he realized he messed up majorly.

this kid can siphon magic this kid can block his capabilities to use it his powers were nothing compared to this Brat's with his power completely gone hate could fight no more around this time filtering skin and eyes went back to its normal color her hair fading back to its normal silver as all of her friends came out of the castle healed it seemed wow that was amazing they all said even the formerly bad guys said so remind me never to get on your wrong side .

You never have to worry about that this is the power I only use when absolutely necessary but this is the first time it works the way I wanted it to I looked away kind of sad.

Well it seems we have a prisoner to guard this time says none other than raz yeah razz if you can keep him under oh which one was it that has the anti-magic spell on it put him in that one and that's not a bad idea keep him here while we're waiting for the council to deal with him hate realize he had majorly screwed up he knew that his boss was going to punish him now s was definitely going to take him to the torture room after this as soon as he found out that he's been in prison and no less by a child he feels so embarrassed but he contacts his boss anyway his boss screamed some furious words into his cell phone you can consider yourself fired you couldn't even handle one child when you do manage to get out of that cell did you make sure to come back you'll be getting a fine punishment this time oh my creators I wish you would help me hate thought to himself he had never asked them for help before but in this case he wished that he could be saved from the monster that was his boss not to mention he knows who his boss is going to bring to go and catch him that dang yonder swap not to mention that this swap fellas tormenting him taunting him telling him how he's going to get so beat up when their council finds him he was not looking forward to this he knows that they're going to torture him until he gives out the information of who his bosses and what they're doing and why they destroyed so many connections and said Multiverse well hopefully they'll never find out so long as he keeps his mouth shut.

To be continued in the next chapter.

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now