character information for The Little gaurdian of empathy

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Rune Ever star Caster aka Deltarune the human is an original character that I made she is both a resident of the multiverse and the real world in other words she has the power of both a creator and a denizen guardian the temple of emotion in unknown tale so in other  words really extremely powerful but very childlike in nature but she suffered from having two lifetimes of memories both of her lives weren't very happy but she  tries to look on the bright side of things if you can say Rune is well she suffers from spontaneous emotions like at times she will have a child like wonder but you also noticed that she has a darker half to her personality she will sometimes show this in her battles with anyone who tries to hurt her friend's she is for the most part a pasifist but if someone is doing bad things she won't hesitate to show her power she calls the wither which literally makes things wither and die but this something that she only does if someone dose something so bad that death is the only option like in the case of the queen who stole the life of a god and the former guardian of the emotion seed to become a all powerful dictator all in all Rune is a kind and Mercy full person though she is unageing she is much more like a little kid hence why Ink and all other sans's would call her kid or child well some call her kiddo but that's not the point Rune also has a very strange soul with the ability to change what he soul trait is but her magic isn't just destructive she as you may have noticed also has the power to fix or restore or heal anything in her vicinity but she also has an ability to calm down even the most traumatized of beings .

Rune actually will later meet the person who was responsible for giving Rune another chance at life in Dreamtale years ago and that will help Rune to make a very important decision that she chose to become something more than just a kid being protected by her friend's and her father figure who will also unveil later
Also Rune as was shown in earlier chapters while being tortured by the queen was given well more like forced to eat two different colored vilws she fond to be blood of the other guardian and liquid chaos I will now tell you that she was being used as a guinea pig for the queen Rune was used like that to discover the effects of those two liquids but because of this Rune suffered from voices in her head telling her horrid things and even influenced her into killing that very same queen who was her own mother in her universe called unknown tale as you know this happened twenty years before Dream or nightmare were created by Nim and so she is technically twenty years older than ether Nightmare or Dream but her mentality is still that of a preteen girl but as we all know by now she acts very childlike . 

Appearance: Rune has Sliver and blue hair and has a special headband .

Her soul looks like this it also has a moon and sun on it I'm just too lazy to draw that part and dragonfly wings on it that part will be explained latter.

INK Sans of Originalverse ( multiverse nickname is Origin Ink sans) full name is Origin but in the first book will only be called Ink Sans)(Ink Sans Comet)

Likes playing his flute and painting and drawing and hanging out with his friends Blue and sunshine ( original copy of Dream sans of original verse his nickname is Sunflower Looks like classic dream sans of almost any Normal multiverse except that his eyelights are almost flower shaped) love's to spend time with his adopted child Deltarune Comet they both enjoy prank wars with everyone else in Originalverse unlike most Ink sans he has a soul which Deltarune Comet restored as a thanks for giving her food and for being nice to her , he doesn't want to be forgotten like most Ink sans he is terribly afraid of the color white and being all alone and unlike most Ink sans he has rainbow colored eyelights and no star shaped he has his inkstain on the opposite side of his face than most Ink sans will freak out if his adopted child isn't at home in his pocket dimension and likes to sneak hugs from Deltarune Comet when she is asleep he also has several biological children but most of them are unnown even to him hates his multiverse's error sans to the point where he and Error made three mistake children out of their own magic but Ink as said hates error sans more than anything in the whole Multiverse even more than the color white and will often be seen chasing error sans with broomie and alot of red acid paint to try and attack error sans , likes to be the center of anyone's attention and will act like a child if he doesn't get attention , he is super overprotective of Deltarune and will often freakout if she leaves their home as he has told her to call it .
He likes to eat anything that's sweet and will often be caught taking error Sans's chocolate that he takes from underfell who by the way still has no idea who keeps taking his chocolate and will be in some of the books that come after this one about how is chocolate is missing.
His eyelights can change to shapes but only if he's like super emotional and then it'll usually only be a target or a heart cracked in two except when he's really excited then it's a star but they're all still multi-colored in other words he has rainbow version of what most of the Ink Sans have .

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now