chapter 17 Rune meets Beats Kin Mecha And Abyss

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(Rune's Point Of View)

Once again it's back again I'm back in that room the room filled with nothingness once again I'm dodging that strange magic it's coming at me I scream the world goes white again but this time something else happens everything feels like it shattered it's billions of pieces I look down at myself I'm not there anymore I'm nowhere I'm nothing I'm just gone I hear screams and cries they must be my friends they seem so sad and then a voice I recognize no my little and the voice suddenly cuts out this time I wake up not to the sunshine but to Papa screaming that he caught the house on fire apparently he burned something on the stove again and instead of you know throwing some baking soda on it instead he simply ran away from the stove then again when has this ever not happened😒.

if it's not him it's our dear friend Blue man is he notorious for blowing up the pans in the kitchen but when Papa doesn't pay attention to something and always explodes and it seems his mind's on other things today I decided that it's time to ask him why the house is on fire in the first place here I go.

" Papa how did you catch the house on fire were you not paying attention to your meal again.

His response, Oh I'm sorry my mind's been on other things you see someone's been going around causing trouble in the Aus again and it's not error this time .

"Great I thought to myself could It be The entity I faught not that long ago I asked him".

"It very well could be, he says well if it is ask some backup for me.

Papa I can take him no problem he's nothing he is hatred is nothing compared to my kindness and my powers always seems to weaken him for some reason.

Papa seems to laugh at that just how many times have you fought this guy he chuckles well if you count the time that I fought him in Chronicles universe then I would say at least three or four times that is well I think I'm going to head to a new universe this time.

Oh which one he says.

I wanted to see if I could help one called gztale I've heard there's all kinds of trouble in that one.

" Well you're not wrong he says," it's just a bit dangerous right now I worry about you, you know you should stay safe my little Angel.

"Ugh you should worry about yourself more you almost burnt our house down 😒🤨😱😫😐😑.

"Point taken, he says," well just be careful my little Delta rune.

Have fun Rune he says and that's when I decide to take out my brush or should I say pen and draw myself a portal and I go into a world I know nothing about except the name I decide to grab my book before I leave through the portal. ( Time Skip)
Well it's not every day you see a kid come out of a portal he said.

  And by he i meen a small Sans and did I mention that he is super fluffy and cute like one of Error's puppets and so small but he is still taller than me 😑😭😫 oh man are all sans's taller than me this is the worst .

" Oh hello there my name is Deltarune but you can call me Rune 😇☺️ well I happen to be a gaurdian of AUs with my Papa Ink he and his friends have been training me to become a competent guardian.

Oh and I decided to come to this world to help it I heard there a lot of problems here see as a guardian of AUs I have found that it is essential to help others when I can not out of want but out of kindness.

I simply like to help others so what do you call your self besides being a sans ?

"Oh I'm sorry my name is Abyss sans and you sure don't act like the humans I've met before why is that ?

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now