chapter 3 The nameless guardian of the seed of emotion gets a name

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Ink's Point Of view

Me and blue are heading to Dreams place to finalize the truce between our two groups dream is the leader of our group anyhow that's when something happens that I didn't expect to see dream looking madder than all get out at us for coming so early in the day he keeps scolding me and blue that everyone even him need their sleep so a that's how the morning went by wow I never knew he could get cranky I learned something new today but not what we came for .
So I found out that we will all meet at the castle that was said to belong to some king and the resting place of a guardian of some temple of the seed of emotion he seems to be ecstatic about it something about him and his brother reading a book about said guardian so yeah that's where we are heading.

(Dream's Point Of View)

Me and my brother Nightmare have made plans to start negotiating about a truce between our two groups and stop the multiverse wars we had started and put them aside hopefully for good and I got to choose the place to begin our truce I chose the best place possible the forest of magic well they still call it that but um there hasn't been a tree of magic there sence be for me and Nightmare where created by our mother but it was still called that even to this day.
I can't wait for the truce between us to begin I will have better chance at getting my brother to forgive me and maybe we can be a family again .

(Nightmare's P.O.V.)

I can't believe that idiot chose this area of all places to choose for a peace truce between our groups I mean someone died here and anyway this place reminds my host of that village and I would rather not let my host remember that place if possible he will get ideas to escape .

(Time skip because I really don't know how to write peace talk's )

Alright then this truce is now in place me and my brother say at the same time.

(Author's point of view)
The star sans's and the bad sans's are now enjoying a party put together by some of the other AU sans's who were happy to have peace in their AUs again. Meanwhile inside the forest of the temple of the seed of emotion a young but nameless guardian has just awoken from her long long long sleep and is very very lost as to why there is no villagers or that evil Queen's people around for miles but now she heard some people near her .

(Rune's Point Of View)

I'm going to find out were those voices are coming from they sound friendly so hope they aren't like that mean queen or her husband I decided to say hello but they all look at me like I'm some kind of freak .Hello I'm da guardian of the temple of the seed of emotion do you want to be my friend ?

They all turned around and I was facing skeletons but they reminds me of my favorite TV show on youtube the underverse episodes I used all of the sudden that memory vanishes and then they all start to screem human ghost !!!

"What they think I'ma ghost what has the villagers been telling people" 💢💢💢💢💢😑😑🤨😒🤔💫💢😑  ?

I tried to tell them I'm not a ghost but it comes out like this"I no ghost I guardian of magic seed .

  😱What did I just say man now I sounded like a baby why what the heck did that sadist queen do to me ?

Then one of them ran up to me and asked for my name but what can I tell them my horrible mother abandoned me the day I was born because I was born with magic and left me at the temple of the seed of emotion no one would ever believe that right uh I might as well tell them here I go.

"I have no name I was abandoned at birth because I Born with Magic powers and the first guardian was to lazy to name me if you would like you can name me sence I have no name .

(Ink's Point Of View)

We were all enjoying the party when we all heard a voice that doesn't belong to anyone here when the voice says hello I am the guardian of the tree of magic do you want to be friends wait what where is that voice coming from so all of us turned around and saw what looks to be a human girl but everything it was wareing was covered in blood stains so dust sans thought it was a ghost and screamed HUMAN GHOST RUN !!!

But then it spoke with a childish voice.

"I no ghost I gaurdian of magic seed the child I now know that this is some kind of human child and somehow this child had survive unknown tales disaster which had thought to have no more human or monster life in it this in of itself is a miracle 🤩 .

I decided to ask this child their name they told me that not only were they abandoned but that no one ever bothered to give them a name and told me I could give them a name.

why did no one give this child so much as a name no matter let's see what should I name this child 🤔....... I have it that kid has a pattern on her shirt wait is that a shirt it looks like some kind of dress.

"Oh hay kid why don't we get you cleaned up first okay?

She smiled and said okay with a voice like an angel .

"Okay mister skeleton wow what Nice manners for a kid okay so the kid was now clean but they asked me for some clothes but the problem was she came out of the tub without a towel.

"Gees kid put on some clothing please !

"but that wasn't what startled me the kid had had a birthmark that looks similar to the deltarune symbol that's right this kid has wing like marks on her back this is amazing they are like some Long forgotten art work how could I forgotten such a beautiful creation and not have any memory of it unless she is a glitch but for that to have happened how did no one noticed her" ?

Hay kid what were you doing in that Forest don't you know that it's been dead in this au for some time kid ?

(Rune's Point Of View)

"That word what does it mean Au that is"?

I decided to ask this person
So here I go.

" What is Au ?

"I heard this term before when in the in between of life and death someone said to me that it wasn't my time but that my old world couldn't go back and he i think it was a he said welcome to the Multiverse and something about AUs and said I would have a new life this world he said that I should stay away from something he called the destroyer and that someone named ink forgot to put in the code for a soul for my body so I could inhabit it and so I was born again after someone else killed me as a teen. The nice mister Skeleton I was talking to had  a surprised look on his face and said.

"Oh so that's how you came about little human child .

I was about to tell him that I'm not a kid but I don't think that he'd believe me 😑😒 so he told me that he wants to call me deltarune apparently it means angel or something like that I'm okay with that but why is it so close to my old name in my original world?

"So from now on my name is deltarune but told him that he should call me Rune for short and tada my name is still Rune bit at least that annoying voice is gone now yeah!

To be continued in the next chapter

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now