Chapter 6 Ink teaches Deltarune the little guardian the about the multiverse

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(Rune's Point Of View)

It's been a week since Ink took me into his house well if you can call it that it's more like a pocket dimension but Ink calls it the antivoid or the doodle sphere he is letting me sleep in the spare room in the house he made with his magic in my opinion it's very cool he can make a house for himself but that's way  to many colors it's like barfing rainbows yuck .

So Ink is going to teach me about the multiverse to day and he seems to be doing much better at remembering things since I helped restore his soul or at least that's what Dream says after all I have only known him for a week and one day but in that time he's been so nice to me and kinda what you might expect a dad to be like .

Suddenly Ink came running in saying something about needing to get to one of the AUs and asked if I wanted to come with him so I said yes of course like who would pass up a chance to see another world it an exciting experience to say the least he said that we were headed to the original Universe called Undertale which seems familiar to me for some reason uh um should I tell Ink that ...maybe not.

Well here I go I ran right through the portal Which I probably shouldn't have done as I ran right into a kid who seemed to be squinting at me😅, both of us are now on the ground as we both fell as I ran into to them they seemed to be trying to use sign language but I don't know it unfortunately.

" wait how do I know was it is was if I can't understand it my mind is so weird at times 😅". 
I have decided to introduce myself and apologize to the kid I feel on after all I was taught manners "wait who taught me manners again" 😵 .

"I'm sorry for running into you but I can't understand what you're trying to tell me I don't know that language sorry乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ but I would like to introduce myself to you hi I'm Rune what is your name?

I asked her or was it a him ugh I can't tell (‘◉⌓◉’) .

"Rune!! "Where did you go? Rune please come out wherever you went !!!!

Ink said.

Oh great I forgot about Ink some friend I was 😅😥 sorry Ink me and a kid fell into a ditch can you help us out of it please 🥺😇 ?

Oh I see you met Frisk right so Frisk Sans has been looking all over for you .

Ink said .

  Oh so you can understand her Ink ?

I asked him .

Yeah I do understand sigh language you know I could teach you some as well since most Frisk's and Chara's use sign language its useful to learn if you would get lost in another Au would you like to learn it when we get back to the doodle sphere Rune?

Ink asked me.

So next thing I knew Ink had pulled both me and Frisk out of that hole and we are now following Frisk back to her friend Sans home sence Ink could understand what she was saying and so we made it to her friend's house of course I the clumsy person I am right before getting inside I faceplant right into the snow and now need help getting out of the deep  pile of snow.

" Help I have fallen and am stuck in the snow Ink help me please I don't like the cold 🥶🥶🥶🥶😢.

I begged Ink for his jacket he has around his waist as I was once again pulled out of the snow .

This is why I hate my height why am I so small 😭 .

  Oh and get this Ink didn't ever help me up it was Frisk's friend Sans who helped me.

Ink got distracted by the snow 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢😠😡 again!

"What the heck Ink why did you forget to tell me that this place was cold 😠😡😡😡😡😡😡 🔥🔥🔥☠️ and why do you keep making my clothes so big you already know that I'm short !!!

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now