chapter 22 she really is a gaurdian and anglic girl

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(Rune's Point Of View)

So many muffled voices I could hear them calling my name saying don't give up you can do this you can beat this guy he's no problem just get back up Rune you can do this stay determined persevere you're integrity is strong but your kindness is your strongest trait.

But then I recognize the voices it's my friends but then one voice will never forget it was Papa.

Don't give up my little angel you're the only hope to stop this guy is you know we're all still too weak from fighting the formerly bad senses

"I know Papa I won't give up I wanted to say but it was like I couldn't move I couldn't speak and then I knew why I haven't been hurt pretty badly before this I was almost about to give up but then I refused.

" I won't give up yet I've got to help them all they're counting on me I have to stay determined Rune they are counting on you" .

I slowly got back up it was time to release the limiters that's right I actually went to Sci's for some limiters because I know just how strong my power is really are I release the limiters that were on my wrist and that's on the side of me that no one's ever seen nor more accurately and the part of me that mostly stays hidden.

But be revealed I knew that I couldn't stand my legs are too badly injured.

But perhaps I concentrate and releasing the seals the seals which hide my birthmark until it shows it's true form it was never a birthmark but something more and the thing was always semi translucent wings it was time to show this bad guys just how strong a guardian of the multiverse is .

It's once again time to start this battle .

Come at if you can because I know you can't defeat me even at your strongest you only manage to knock me out but I wasn't even using my full power yet time for you to see what this guardian is really capable of !

Suddenly the the semi translucent wings began to glow and rainbow glows of color and all of my friends said there's one phrase wow she really is angelic in my opinion they look more like fairy wings I said how did I know that and then a memory suddenly broke Free and memory of a time I'd rather not remember of a lifetime I'd rather not remember I remember it was back when I was just plain RuneCaster.

Before I became who I am now .

I was a happy little girl at the orphanage I always love drawing little pictures but my favorite was drawing fairies they're pretty wings as they protected gardens I loved them all the stories that I got told about them but then I remembered something awful from that memory I remember drawing a pretty fairy only for someone to knock me down to the ground remember my fairy drawing fell to the ground and got wet I cried for hours but that wasn't why I cried it was because of the kids who started bullying me but what can you expect suddenly I stopped trying to remember.

Instead I focus more on my battle.

You're going down hate I'll stop you for good this time or battle continued he sent attacks at me and I sent attacks to him I dodged his attacks but he kept throwing attacks at me and I was  starting to get tired but I won't give up yet.

" I refuse to give up I keep going I won't let this stop me !

Back and forth left and right I'll keep dodging this time he sends a stranger attack at me I get hit but don't seem to be taking any damage but I'll keep going we continue our battle I give him a good left hook than a good right hook then I do a spin kick then I hit him with my brush he goes flying but I'm not finished yet I continue to hit him he keeps getting hit into things I just hope I don't destroy Nights Castle.

We continue our attacks back and forth this time I send an array of rainbow attacks all different types of mixed power together I just hope this is enough to defeat him I don't want to use that dreaded power ever again but if this keeps up I might have to I continue to fight him back and forth back and forth I send another magic attack this one is a red attack the next one is a blue attack the next one is the yellow attack the next one is an orange attack the next one is a purple attack the next one is a red attack the next is a yellow attack the next is an orange attack the next is a blue attack the next is a purple attack the next is a white attack the next is a black attack the next is a blue attack the next is a red attack.

The next a purple attack the next is the yellow attack the next is a red attack the next it's a purple attack the next is an orange attack the next is another yellow attack the next is another Gray attack the next is a black attack the next is an orange attack the next is a blue attack the Next is a purple the next is an orange inside this time to swing my brush to the other direction this time I slash with a blue attack next I slashed with a red attack after that I slashed in the opposite direction with a purple attack next I fight once more with another attack a white attack black attack an orange attack a red attack a yellow attack a blue attack cyan attack a purple attack a gold attack I continue to swing back and forth with my weapon again I've decided to change it it's no longer a paintbrush it's shape has now been changed to a staff I decide to use a gold attack hate seems to recoil from gold attacks he seems effective against them so perhaps I should use them against him next I use the black attack he went flying once more red yellow blue purple cyan red orange gold black white gray silver in my final attack copper but none of them seem to put a dent in him he seems to keep using those healing potions how am I going to stop him if he keeps you using healing items I fight him once more back and forth back and forth this time he sends attacks at me I keep trying to dodge them but I'm starting to get tired I can't this last attack hit me I'm I've got to keep going I try to attack him one more time but he attacks me I try to attack him one more time and I managed to get a hit but then he hits me again he's not going easy on me anymore I can see but his next attack I'm worried about it he seems to be getting stronger with each attack I decided to send him a spinning paint attack he sends it even more powerful attack at me .


I hit a wall my vision is fading the world is fading to black.

I think I've got a concussion I think I'm down for the count I can't I can't get back up I'm too weak I tried but I failed I'm sorry I'm sorry Papa I won't be able to defeat him I tried but I failed I no I won't give up I have to keep going but I can't even move don't give up yet there's still a chance yet I'm serious voice tells me.

Rune stay determined you can do it stay determined take your little rest for now but I know you can defeat him this isn't the end don't give up rest for a minute but then get right back up show him what a true guardian is is that her voice Nora is that you why yes it is my successor now what did I teach you about being a guardian.

"Guardians never give up?

"Right we never give up on what we're supposed to do not till the end and it is not even close to that for you little guardian so don't give up yet.

Will hate win or will Deltarune find out in the next chapter😉

guardian of the seed Of emotion Volume 1 Rune's Multiverse Adv. (Au Sanses X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now