48. Compromising Positions.

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"Why don't you just sit on my lap?"

At my words, Torryn shot me a dirty look but shifted upwards so I, too, could see what was going on in front of us. Crouching behind one of the big moving trucks to spy on what shady thing Jason Queen was up to, was not earning me a good rep with my back and my legs. On top of that, Torryn was leaning in a way that blocked more of my already limited view.

"Boss, I-you-we're almost done," Tyler declared, standing in what looked like a painfully rigid stance.

My subconscious scrunched her nose at the man, Poor asshole.

For once, I agreed with her. I knew how much Tyler's legs were going to pain after this.

"It was a bigger shipment this time, so it took time," Tyler nodded rapidly, looking like he was searching for another excuse to add. "And we had to lose the feds on our tail," he said with pride before noticing his boss's expression and hurried to explain. "The feds have been dealt with, boss."

"For your sake, Tyler, let that be true," Jason shot him a haughty look, reminding me very much of a certain relative of his.

Silently tapping Torryn on the shoulder, I whispered, "Are you filming this?"

"I thought you were," he murmured back. I frowned. How did his murmur sound lower than my whisper?

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I whispered again,"No, I forgot my phone in your car."

Swiftly, Torryn pulled out his phone, only for Jason and Tyler to move away from their original position. "Shit," he swore under his breath.

Searching for a better hiding spot near the two shady men turned out to be futile; they were standing near a small, dingy boat away from others. So, Torryn took a couple of pictures, even though said pictures weren't terribly incriminating, what with the most important things being shut inside those stupid crates.

What if they're still just clothes?

Sure, my subconscious snorted, and Torryn Cole is an uggo.

Sometimes, I really didn't like her. Looking at Torryn's side profile, anyone would disagree with a person calling him ugly. Like, who allowed him to be so damn handsome?

Now, I might be wrong, but I would like to think his parents did, my subconscious muttered wih enough sarcasm to make the boy being discussed proud.

I huffed to myself and Torryn turned around to face me with an inquiring eyebrow. "It's nothing," I murmured and we both turned around at the sound of a door closing shut. Since we were obviously fortunate people, it was the door of the truck Torryn and I were hiding behind.

Shit! Wide forest-green eyes met mine.

I looked around for a convenient escape route or any escape route, for that matter, but the truck was about to leave any second now. Just as I was seriously considering climbing onto the side of the truck, like they did in the movies, Torryn's hands clamped around my waist as he practically dragged me into a dark alley behind us.

'Woah, at least buy me dinner first!' was what I wanted to say but since he'd already done that, I kept quiet. Also, there was the slight matter about certain people hearing me if opened my mouth.

"We need to leave or else we'll be noticed and then...." Torryn trailed off as we watched Jason get in his car and leave as the other men got back to their respective work. "Then," I continued, sliding one finger across my throat with a serious expression.

"Yes, Miller," he smiled in amusement, clutching my hand in his as we walked away from the pier and it's weirdness with no choice but to retreat. For now.

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