16. "No one must know about this."

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"This is all your fault."

"What? How is us getting thrown out of the library my fault?"

"Because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut, " I said in a matter-of-fact manner.

Ethan pouted, "Bu-but, all I said was that she was scarier than a demon straight from hell!"

Then, he furrowed his eyebrows realization flashing through his eyes, "Oh. Ohh. Maybe I shouldn't have said that to the librarian who was helping us, " He smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you, " I tried to put as much amount of sarcasm as humanly possible in those two words and judging by the unimpressed look on his face, I'd succeeded in putting a great deal.

And then we began bickering as usual.

"Guys, stop it. Look!" Owen exclaimed, pointing in Matt's direction.

Ethan and I stopped bickering for a second, long enough for the both of us to realize the object in Matt's hand was the book we went to the library for in the first place.

A book that made me drool at the sheer size of it. Ah, the joys of just looking at a thick, long book, ready to be read!

A History of Paradise, the title read.

Before I could snatch the book all for myself, Torryn cleared his throat, "How exactly did you get that, Matt?"

"My hands are magical", Matt smirked, twirling his fingers and winking at Mae, who was (as usual) sulking, beside him.

Mae glared at Matt, "Wink at me one more time. Go on, I dare you."
She pulled out a pen from the front pocket of her jeans and started twirling it between her fingers.

I pouted inwardly. I have never been able to twirl a pen like that.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Write me down for winking?" Matt smirked.

Uh oh.

Mae smirked and everyone shifted uncomfortably. Matt even stopped smirking. She proceeded to turn the pen upside down and open the backside, to reveal a blade. Since Rhea and Mason weren't in the empty classroom we had decided to occupy for now, I was the only one who knew about the pen. So, the others were surprised to say the least.

Torryn's expressionless facade had broken, his eyebrows raising as high as possible. The others looked scared of Mae.

"What is that?" Ethan pointed a shaky finger at the pen-knife.

I rolled my eyes, "Its a pen and a knife. Basically, a weapon. See, I have one, too!" I exclaimed cheerfully, waving my own pen-knife at them energytically, almost hitting Owen in the process.

Almost instantly, Torryn was beside me, "Okay, Clumsy Claudine, why don't you put that inside before you hit someone?"

I rolled my eyes, again. Surely, I wasn't that clumsy-


I looked at Ethan's grimacing face. My eyes widened at the slight cut on his left arm. One look at my bloodied pen-knife confirmed my suspicions.

"Oops, " I laughed nervously. Before I could begin to apologize though, Ethan burst into a dramatic speech.

"Why do you hate me so much, Aria?" How did I forget that this was Ethan I was talking about?

"You've been wanting to kill me since the day you first met me-"


"Don't interrupt me! I'm dying here and you won't even let me speak! You are interrupting my last words-"

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