53. Nothing But Ice.

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A/N: This chapter takes place on the night she died. 

Elektra Queen needed a fucking drink. 

Tea is just not enough nowadays, she observed, sipping the almost cold drink from her favourite cup. 

It was his birthday. 

And yes, normally she would've been sad if it were the birthday of someone she loved dearly, someone who was now dead but Elektra knew he wouldn't want her to be sad. He never did like it if anyone was sad on his birthday, be it a family member or a stranger. 

Biting into a biscuit, Elektra thought back to the group of teenagers that had just left. It was a pity they hadn't had any tea or biscuits. She hadn't even poisoned them today.

Elektra had a fascination of sorts with death. The beauty of it. To see the life leave someone's eyes and be assured that they would find the ultimate answer to life, as ironic as it was, in their death. 

What she didn't like was giving the wrong person the answer; a person who wasn't, according to her, ready. And Deo Angelis wasn't ready. 

Elektra sighed as she mixed some vodka in her tea. It was hard to believe that it had been two years since she'd met Deo and a year since he'd died. A bittersweet smile pulled at her lips as she thought back to when they first met two years ago.  

Elektra furiously walked to the entrance to one of the main warehouses of the Queen organization in Paradise because the news of her men getting high on the stock of Powder they were supposed to fucking ship out of town had caught her ear. 

Why am I still doing this? She found herself asking. 

Oh right because it was decided for me as soon as I popped out of mother dearest before any of my other cousins could.

She bit back a snarl. Sometimes, she hated being the eldest.  

Five minutes later, everything was once again in order. Elektra noticed someone helping another person stand. The person looked around her age, maybe younger with midnight hair.

"You didn't do it?" She asked him, confused. Was Powder not doing good?

"No, drugs are for the weak," he answered, turning to look at her and for a moment, she was stunned by the warmth in his dark, dark eyes and mischievous smile. "I prefer getting high on candy," he grinned showing his pearly whites.

Elektra was taken aback. And she hated it. To her, it was a sign of weakness. 

She let the olive-skinned boy go and returned to handing out punishments. Then she ran into him again a few days later at the docks and he invited her to his birthday party. She politely declined and wished him a happy birthday; once again surprised at how she hadn't made a crude remark. But she couldn't make snarky remarks to his face and his innocent yet dark eyes. 

What is he doing here? She wondered. 

The next day she asked her second-in-command about him. 

Deo Angelis, his name was. Elektra couldn't help but agree that it suited him. He was 21, only a year younger than her. He was a member of the Daimona, one of the gangs that worked for the Queen organization. He'd joined recently because of some family problems. Now, it made sense to her, him being in this line of work. 

Elektra was brought out of her memories as the clock chimed and decided to retire to bed early for the night. Her workload had increased tenfold as of late. Walking to her room, she passed the hallway that held the portraits of all the leaders of the Queen organization, mostly women. Elizabeta, Tom, Caroline, Elliana, Celeste, Gran, and the last one, her. Blond hair, blue eyes and the Queen name shined in almost all of the paintings. 

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